Section 86.1811-09 includes text that specifies requirements that differ from Sec. 86.1811-04. Where a paragraph in Sec. 86.1811-04 is identical and applicable to Sec. 86.1811-09, this may be indicated by specifying the corresponding paragraph and the statement ``[Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.1811-04.'' Where a corresponding paragraph of Sec. 86.1811-04 is not applicable, this is indicated by the statement ``[Reserved]''
(a) Applicability. (1) This section contains regulations implementing emission standards for all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs. This section applies to 2009 and later model year LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs fueled by gasoline, diesel, methanol, ethanol, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuels, except as noted. Additionally, this section applies to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and zero emission vehicles (ZEVs). Unless otherwise specified, multi-fueled vehicles must comply with all requirements established for each consumed fuel.
(1) This section contains regulations implementing emission standards for all LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs. This section applies to 2009 and later model year LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs fueled by gasoline, diesel, methanol, ethanol, natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas fuels, except as noted. Additionally, this section applies to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) and zero emission vehicles (ZEVs). Unless otherwise specified, multi-fueled vehicles must comply with all requirements established for each consumed fuel.
(2) through (4) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.1811-04.
(5) The exhaust emission standards and evaporative emission standards of this section apply equally to certification and in-use LDVs, LDTs and MDPVs, unless otherwise specified. See paragraph (t) of this section for interim evaporative emission in-use standards that are different than the certification evaporative emission standards specified in paragraph (e) of this section.
(b) through (d) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.1811-04.
(e) Evaporative emission standards. Evaporative emissions from gasoline- fueled, natural gas-fueled, liquefied petroleum gas-fueled, ethanol-fueled and methanol-fueled vehicles must not exceed the standards in this paragraph (e) at low altitude conditions. The evaporative emission standards specified in Sec. 86.1811-04(e)(1) continue to apply at high altitude conditions. The standards apply equally to certification and in-use vehicles.
(1) Diurnal-plus-hot soak evaporative hydrocarbon standards. (i) Hydrocarbons for LDV/LLDTs, HLDTs and MDPVs that are gasoline-fueled, dedicated natural gas-fueled, dedicated liquefied petroleum gas-fueled, dedicated ethanol-fueled, dedicated methanol-fueled and multi-fueled vehicles when operating on gasoline must not exceed the diurnal plus hot soak standards shown in Table S09-1 for the full three diurnal test sequence and for the supplemental two diurnal test sequence. The standards apply equally to certification and in-use vehicles, except as otherwise specified in paragraph (t) of this section. Table S09-1 follows:
Table S09-1--Light-Duty Diurnal Plus Hot Soak Evaporative Emission Standards
[grams per test]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Supplemental 2
3 day day
Vehicle category Model year diurnal+hot diurnal+hot
soak soak----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LDVs............................................................ 2009 0.50 0.65LLDTs........................................................... 2009 0.65 0.85HLDTs........................................................... 2010 0.90 1.15MDPVs........................................................... 2010 1.00 1.25----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(ii) Hydrocarbons for LDV/LLDTs, HLDTs and MDPVs that are multi-fueled vehicles operating on non-gasoline fuel must not exceed the diurnal plus hot soak standards shown in Table S09-2 for the full three diurnal test sequence and for the supplemental two diurnal test sequence. The standards apply equally to certification and in-use vehicles except as otherwise specified in paragraph (t) of this section. Table S09-2 follows:
Table S09-2--Light-Duty Diurnal Plus Hot Soak Evaporative Emission
Standards: Non-Gasoline Portion of Multi-Fueled Vehicles
[grams per test]------------------------------------------------------------------------
Supplemental 2
3 day day
Vehicle category diurnal+hot diurnal+hot
soak soak------------------------------------------------------------------------LDVs.................................... 0.50 0.65LLDTs................................... 0.65 0.85HLDTs................................... 0.90 1.15MDPVs................................... 1.00 1.25------------------------------------------------------------------------
(iii) For multi-fueled vehicles operating on non-gasoline fuel, manufacturers must comply with the phase-in requirements in Table S09-3 of this paragraph for the evaporative emission requirements specified in Table S09-2 of this section. Phase-in schedules are grouped together for LDV/LLDTs and HLDT/MDPVs. These requirements specify the minimum percentage of the manufacturer's LDV/LLDT/HLDT/MDPV 50-State sales, by model year, that must meet the requirements for their full useful lives. Table S09-3 follows:
Table S09-3--Phase-In Percentages for Light-Duty Diurnal Plus Hot Soak
Evaporative Emission Standards: Non-Gasoline Portion of Multi-Fueled
Percentage of
vehicles that
must meet
Model year evaporative
requirements------------------------------------------------------------------------2012.................................................. 302013.................................................. 602014 and subsequent................................... 100------------------------------------------------------------------------
(2) through (6) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.1811-04.
(7) In cases where vehicles are certified to evaporative emission standards in Tables S09-1 and S09-2 of this section, the Administrator may accept evaporative emissions data for low altitude testing in accordance with California test conditions and test procedures (in lieu of the evaporative emission test condition and test procedure requirements of subpart B of this part).
(f) through (s) [Reserved]. For guidance see Sec. 86.1811-04.
(t) Evaporative emission in-use standards. (1) For LDVs and LLDTs certified prior to the 2012 model year, the Tier 2 LDV/LLDT evaporative emissions standards in Table S04-3 of Sec. 86.1811-04(e) shall apply to in-use vehicles for only the first three model years after an evaporative family is first certified to the LDV/LLDT evaporative emission standards in Table S09-1 of paragraph (e) of this section, as shown in Table S09-4. For example, evaporative families first certified to the LDV/LLDT standards in Table S09-1 in the 2011 model year must meet the Tier 2 LDV/LLDT evaporative emission standards (Table S04-3) in-use for 2011, 2012, and 2013 model year vehicles (applying Tier 2 standards in-use is limited to the first three years after introduction of a vehicle).
(1) For LDVs and LLDTs certified prior to the 2012 model year, the Tier 2 LDV/LLDT evaporative emissions standards in Table S04-3 of Sec. 86.1811-04(e) shall apply to in-use vehicles for only the first three model years after an evaporative family is first certified to the LDV/LLDT evaporative emission standards in Table S09-1 of paragraph (e) of this section, as shown in Table S09-4. For example, evaporative families first certified to the LDV/LLDT standards in Table S09-1 in the 2011 model year must meet the Tier 2 LDV/LLDT evaporative emission standards (Table S04-3) in-use for 2011, 2012, and 2013 model year vehicles (applying Tier 2 standards in-use is limited to the first three years after introduction of a vehicle).
(2) For HLDTs and MDPVs certified prior to the 2013 model year, the Tier 2 HLDT/MDPV evaporative emissions standards in Table S04-3 of Sec. 86.1811-04(e) shall apply to in-use vehicles for only the first three model years after an evaporative family is first certified to the HLDT/MDPV evaporative emission standards in Table S09-1 of paragraph (e) of this section, as shown in Table S09-5. For example, evaporative families first certified to the HLDT/MDPV standards in Table S09-1 in the 2012 model year must meet the Tier 2 HLDT/MDPV evaporative emission standards (Table S04-3) in-use for 2012, 2013, and 2014 model year vehicles (applying Tier 2 standards in-use is limited to the first three years after introduction of a vehicle).
Table S09-4--Schedule for In-Use LDV/LLDT Diurnal Plus Hot Soak
Evaporative Emission Standards------------------------------------------------------------------------
Model Year of Introduction 2009 2010 2011------------------------------------------------------------------------Models Years That Tier 2 Standards Apply to In- 2009 2010 2011
use Vehicles...................................
2010 2011 2012
2011 2012 2013------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table S09-5--Schedule For In-Use HLDT/MDPV Diurnal Plus Hot Soak
Evaporative Emission Standards------------------------------------------------------------------------
Model Year of Introduction 2010 2011 2012------------------------------------------------------------------------Models Years That Tier 2 Standards Apply to In- 2010 2011 2012
use Vehicles...................................
2011 2012 2013
2012 2013 2014------------------------------------------------------------------------ [72 FR 8562, Feb. 26, 2007; 72 FR 13352, Mar. 21, 2007, as amended at 76 FR 39521, July 6, 2011]