Engine manufacturers must submit an annual production report as specified in this section. This requirement applies for engines produced on or after January 1, 2013.
(a) You must submit the report for each calendar year in which you produce any engines subject to emission standards under this part. The report is due by February 28 of the following calendar year. Note that Sec. 87.64 requires you to report CO2 emission rates to EPA in addition to NOX. Include these data in the report required by this section. If you produce exempted or excepted engines, you may submit a single report with information on exempted/excepted and normally certificated engines.
(b) Send the report to the Designated EPA Program Officer.
(c) In the report, specify your corporate name and the year for which you are reporting. Include information as described in this section for each engine sub-model subject to emission standards under this part. List each engine sub-model produced or certificated during the calendar year, including the following information for each sub-model:
(1) The type of engine (turbofan, turboprop, etc.) and complete sub-model name, including any applicable model name, sub-model identifier, and engine type certificate family identifier.
(2) The certificate under which it was produced. Identify all the following:
(i) The type certificate number. Specify if the sub-model also has a type certificate issued by a certificating authority other than FAA.
(ii) Your corporate name as listed in the certificate.
(iii) Emission standards to which the engine is certificated.
(iv) Date of issue of type certificate (month and year).
(v) Whether or not this is a derivative engine for emissions certification purposes. If so, identify the original certificated engine model.
(vi) The engine sub-model that received the original type certificate for an engine type certificate family.
(3) Identify the combustor of the sub-model, where more than one type of combustor is available.
(4) The calendar-year production volume of engines from the sub-model that are covered by an FAA type certificate. Record zero for sub-models with no engines produced during the calendar year, or state that the engine model is no longer in production and list the date of manufacture (month and year) of the last engine produced. Specify the number of these engines that are intended for use on new aircraft and the number that are intended for use as non-exempt engines on in-use aircraft. For engines delivered without a final sub-model status and for which the manufacturer has not ascertained the engine's sub-model when installed before submitting its production report, the manufacturer may do any of the following in its initial report, and amend it later:
(i) List the sub-model that was shipped or the most probable sub-model.
(ii) List all potential sub-models.
(iii) State ``Unknown Sub-Model.''
(5) The number of engines tested and the number of test runs for the applicable type certificate.
(6) The applicable test data and related information specified in Part III, Section 2.4 of ICAO Annex 16 (incorporated by reference in Sec. 87.8), except as otherwise allowed by this paragraph. For purposes of this paragraph (c)(6), applicable test data means data required to certify the engine sub-model, which would typically include NOX, HC, CO and smoke number. However, applicable test data would not include NOX, HC, or CO emissions for engines subject to only smoke standards. Note that Sec. 87.64 also requires you to report CO2 emissions. Specify thrust in kW for turboprop engines. You may omit the following items specified in Part III, Section 2.4 of ICAO Annex 16:
(i) Fuel specifications including fuel specification reference and hydrogen/carbon ratio.
(ii) Methods used for data acquisition, correcting for ambient conditions, and data analysis.
(iii) Intermediate emission indices and rates, however you may not omit the final characteristic level for each regulated pollutant in units of g/kN or g/kW.
(d) Clearly show what information you consider confidential by marking, circling, bracketing, stamping, or some other method. We will store your confidential information as described in 40 CFR part 2. Also, we will disclose it only as specified in 40 CFR part 2. If you send us information without claiming it is confidential, we may make it available to the public without further notice to you, as described in 40 CFR 2.204.
(e) Include the following signed statement and endorsement by an authorized representative of your company: ``We submit this report under 40 CFR 87.42. All the information in this report is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.''
(f) Where information provided for the previous year remains valid and complete, you may report your production volumes and state that there are no changes, without resubmitting the other information specified in this section.