(a) General requirements. Calculate all volumes and volumetric flow rates at standard conditions for temperature and pressure (0 C and 101.3 kPa), and these conditions must be used consistently throughout all calculations.
(b) Engine test conditions. Measure the absolute temperature (designated as T and expressed in Kelvin) of the engine air at the inlet to the engine, and the dry atmospheric pressure (designated as p and expressed in kPa), and determine the parameter f according to the following provisions:
(1) Naturally aspirated and mechanically supercharged engines:
(2) Turbocharged engine with or without cooling of inlet air:
(c) For a test to be recognized as valid, the parameter f shall be between the limits as shown below: [GRAPHIC(S) NOT AVAILABLE IN TIFF FORMAT] [59 FR 31335, June 17, 1994. Redesignated at 63 FR 56995, Oct. 23, 1998]
Sec. Appendix A to Subpart D of Part 89--Tables
Table 1--Abbreviations Used in Subpart D------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------CLD............................... Chemiluminescent detector.CO................................ Carbon monoxide.CO2............................... Carbon dioxide.HC................................ Hydrocarbons.HCLD.............................. Heated chemiluminescent detector.HFID.............................. Heated flame ionization detector.GC................................ Gas chromatograph.NDIR.............................. Non-dispersive infra-red analyzer.NIST.............................. National Institute for Standards and
Testing.NO................................ Nitric Oxide.NO2............................... Nitrogen Dioxide.NOX............................... Oxides of nitrogen.O2................................ Oxygen.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 2--Symbols Used in Subparts D and E------------------------------------------------------------------------
Symbol Term Unit------------------------------------------------------------------------conc......... Concentration (ppm by volume).............. ppmf............ Engine specific parameter considering
atmospheric conditionsFFCB......... Fuel specific factor for the carbon balance
calculationFFD.......... Fuel specific factor for exhaust flow
calculation on dry basisFFH.......... Fuel specific factor representing the
hydrogen to carbon ratioFFW.......... Fuel specific factor for exhaust flow
calculation on wet basisFR........... Rate of fuel consumed...................... g/hGAIRW........ Intake air mass flow rate on wet basis..... kg/hGAIRD........ Intake air mass flow rate on dry basis..... kg/hGEXHW........ Exhaust gas mass flow rate on wet basis.... kg/hGFuel........ Fuel mass flow rate........................ kg/hH............ Absolute humidity (water content related to g/kg
dry air).i............ Subscript denoting an individual modeKH........... Humidity correction factorL............ Percent torque related to maximum torque %
for the test mode.mass......... Pollutant mass flow........................ g/hnd, i........ Engine speed (average at the i'th mode 1/min
during the cycle).Ps........... Dry atmospheric pressure................... kPaPd........... Test ambient saturation vapor pressure at kPa
ambient temperature.P............ Observed brake power output uncorrected.... kWPAUX......... Declared total power absorbed by kW
auxiliaries fitted for the test.PM........... Maximum power measured at the test speed kW
under test conditions.Pi........... Pi = PM, i + PAUX, iPB........... Total barometric pressure (average of the kPa
pre-test and post-test values).Pv........... Saturation pressure at dew point kPa
temperature.Ra........... Relative humidity of the ambient air....... %
S............ Dynamometer setting........................ kWT............ Absolute temperature at air inlet.......... KTbe.......... Air temperature after the charge air cooler K
(if applicable) (average).Tclout....... Coolant temperature outlet (average)....... KTDd.......... Absolute dewpoint temperature.............. KTd, i........ Torque (average at the i'th mode during the N-m
cycle).TSC.......... Temperature of the intercooled air......... KTref......... Reference temperature...................... KVEXHD........ Exhaust gas volume flow rate on dry basis.. m\3\/hVAIRW........ Intake air volume flow rate on wet basis... m\3\/hPB........... Total barometric pressure.................. kPaVEXHW........ Exhaust gas volume flow rate on wet basis.. m\3\/hWF........... Weighing factorWFE.......... Effective weighing factor------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 3--Measurement Accuracy and Calibration Frequency------------------------------------------------------------------------
Calibration CalibrationNo. Item accuracy \1\ frequency------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 Engine speed............. [2%................ 30 days.
2 Torque................... Larger of [2% of 30 days.
point or [1% of
engine maximum.
3 Fuel consumption (raw [2% of engine 30 days.
measurement). maximum.
4 Air consumption (raw [2% of engine As required.
measurement). maximum.
5 Coolant temperature...... [2 K............... As required.
6 Lubricant temperature.... [2 K............... As required.
7 Exhaust backpressure..... [1.0% of engine As required.
8 Inlet depression......... 1.0% of engine As required.
9 Exhaust gas temperature.. [15 K.............. As required.
10 Air inlet temperature [2 K............... As required.
(combustion air).
11 Atmospheric pressure..... [0.5%.............. As required.
12 Humidity (combustion air) [0.5............... As required.
(g of H2O/Kg of dry air).
13 Fuel temperature......... [2 K............... As required.
14 Temperature with regard [2 K............... As required.
to dilution tunnel.
15 Dilution air humidity (g [0.5............... As required.
of H2O/Kg of dry air).
16 HC analyzer.............. [2%................ Monthly or as
17 CO analyzer.............. [2%................ Once per 60 days or
as required.
18 NOX analyzer............. [2%................ Monthly or as
19 Methane analyzer......... [2%................ Monthly or as
20 NOX converter efficiency 90%................ Monthly.
21 CO2 analyzer............. [2%................ Once per 60 days or
as required.------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ All accuracy requirements pertain to the final recorded value which
is inclusive of the data acquisition system.
Table 4--Federal Test Fuel Specifications----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Item Procedure (ASTM) \1\ Value (type 2-D)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cetane............................ D613-95................................................. 40-48Distillation Range:
IBP, C........................ D86-97.................................................. 171-204
10% point, C.................. 86-97................................................... 204-238
50% point, C.................. 86-97................................................... 243-282
90% point, C.................. 86-97................................................... 293-332
EP, C......................... 86-97................................................... 321-366
Gravity, API.................. D287-92................................................. 32-37Total Sulfur, %mass............... D129-95 or D2622-98..................................... 0.03-0.40Hydrocarbon composition:
Aromatics, %vol............... D1319-98 or D5186-96.................................... \2\ 10Paraffins, Naphthenes, Olefins.... D1319-98................................................ (\3\)Flash Point, C (minimum).......... D93-09.................................................. 54Viscosity @ 38 C, centistokes..... D445-09................................................. 2.0-3.2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ All ASTM procedures in this table have been incorporated by reference. See Sec. 89.6.\2\ Minimum.\3\ Remainder. [63 FR 57013, Oct. 23, 1998, as amended at 77 FR 2461, Jan. 18, 2012]
Sec. Appendix B to Subpart D of Part 89--Figures