The definitions in subpart A of this part apply to this subpart. The following definitions also apply to this subpart.
Certificate of conformity. The document issued by the Administrator under section 213 and section 206(a) of the Act.
Currently valid certificate of conformity. A certificate of conformity for which the current date is within the effective period as specified on the certificate of conformity, and which has not been withdrawn, superseded, voided, suspended, revoked, or otherwise rendered invalid.
Fifteen working day hold period. The period of time between a request for final admission and the automatic granting of final admission (unless EPA intervenes) for a nonconforming nonroad engine conditionally imported pursuant to Sec. 89.605 or Sec. 89.609. Day one of the hold period is the first working day (see definition for ``working day'' in this section) after the Engine Programs and Compliance Division of EPA receives a complete and valid application for final admission.
Independent commercial importer (ICI). An importer who is not an original engine manufacturer (OEM) (see definition below), but is the entity in whose name a certificate of conformity for a class of nonroad engines has been issued.
Model year for imported engines. The manufacturer's annual production period (as determined by the Administrator) which includes January 1 of the calendar year; provided, that if the manufacturer has no annual production period, the term ``model year'' means the calendar year in which a nonroad engine is modified. An independent commercial importer (ICI) is deemed to have produced a nonroad engine when the ICI has modified (including labeling) the nonconforming nonroad engine to meet applicable emission requirements.
Nonconforming nonroad engine. A nonroad engine which is not covered by a certificate of conformity prior to final or conditional admission (or for which such coverage has not been adequately demonstrated to EPA) and which has not been finally admitted into the United States under the provisions of Sec. 89.605 or Sec. 89.609.
Original engine manufacturer (OEM). The entity which originally manufactured the nonroad engine.
Original production (OP) year. The calendar year in which the nonroad engine was originally produced by the OEM.
Original production (OP) years old. The age of a nonroad engine as determined by subtracting the original production year of the nonroad engine from the calendar year of importation.
Production changes. Those changes in nonroad engine configuration, equipment, or calibration which are made by an OEM or ICI in the course of nonroad engine production and required to be reported under Sec. 89.123.
United States. United States includes the customs territory of the United States as defined in 19 U.S.C. 1202, and the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.
Useful life. A period of time as specified in subpart B of this part which for a nonconforming nonroad engine begins at the time of resale (for a nonroad engine owned by the ICI at the time of importation) or release to the owner (for a nonroad engine not owned by the ICI at the time of importation) of the nonroad engine by the ICI after modification and/or testing pursuant to Sec. 89.605 or Sec. 89.609.
Working day. Any day on which federal government offices are open for normal business. Saturdays, Sundays, and official federal holidays are not working days. [59 FR 31335, June 17, 1994. Redesignated and amended at 63 FR 56996, 57021, Oct. 23, 1998]