(a) A new nonroad engine intended solely for export, and so labeled or tagged on the outside of the container and on the engine itself, is subject to the provisions of Sec. 90.1003, unless the importing country has new nonroad engine emission standards which differ from EPA standards.
(b) For the purpose of paragraph (a) of this section, a country having no standards, whatsoever, is deemed to be a country having emission standards which differ from EPA standards.
(c) EPA will maintain a list of foreign countries that have in force nonroad emission standards identical to U.S. EPA standards and have so notified EPA. This list may be obtained by writing to the following address: Group Manager, Engine Compliance Programs Group, Engine Programs and Compliance Division (6403-J), Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC 20460. New nonroad engines exported to such countries must comply with U.S. EPA certification regulations.
(d) It is a condition of any exemption for the purpose of export under Sec. 90.1004(b) that such exemption be void ab initio with respect to a new nonroad engine intended solely for export if such nonroad engine is sold, or offered for sale, to an ultimate purchaser in the United States for purposes other than export. [60 FR 34598, July 3, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 15252, Mar. 30, 1999]