The definitions in subpart A of this part apply to this subpart. The following definitions shall also apply to this subpart:
Averaging means the exchange of marine engine in-use emission credits among engine families within a given manufacturer's product line.
Banking means the retention of marine engine in-use emission credits by the manufacturer generating the emission credits for use in future model year averaging or trading as permitted by these regulations.
Carry-over engine family means an engine family which undergoes certification using carryover test data from previous model years. See Sec. 91.118(c).
Emission credits or in-use credits represent the amount of emission reduction or exceedance, for each regulated pollutant, by a marine engine family below or above, respectively, the applicable certification family emission limit (FEL) to which the engine family is certified. Emission reductions below the FEL are considered ``positive credits,'' while emission exceedances above the FEL are considered ``negative or required credits.''
Banked credits refer to positive emission credits based on actual applicable production/sales volume as contained in the end of model year in-use testing reports submitted to EPA. Some or all of these banked credits may be revoked if EPA review of the end of model year in-use testing reports or any subsequent audit action(s) uncovers problems or errors.
Trading means the exchange of marine SI engine in-use emission credits between manufacturers and/or brokers.
Compliance level for an engine family is determined by averaging the in-use test results from each engine.