(a) Prior to determining that a transportation project is in conformity, the MPO, other recipient of funds designated under title 23 U.S.C. or the Federal Transit Laws, FHWA, or FTA must obtain from the project sponsor and/or operator written commitments to implement in the construction of the project and operation of the resulting facility or service any project-level mitigation or control measures which are identified as conditions for NEPA process completion with respect to local CO, PM10, or PM2.5 impacts. Before a conformity determination is made, written commitments must also be obtained for project-level mitigation or control measures which are conditions for making conformity determinations for a transportation plan or TIP and are included in the project design concept and scope which is used in the regional emissions analysis required by Secs. 93.118 (``Motor vehicle emissions budget'') and 93.119 (``Interim emissions in areas without motor vehicle emissions budgets'') or used in the project-level hot-spot analysis required by Sec. 93.116.
(b) Project sponsors voluntarily committing to mitigation measures to facilitate positive conformity determinations must comply with the obligations of such commitments.
(c) The implementation plan revision required in Sec. 51.390 of this chapter shall provide that written commitments to mitigation measures must be obtained prior to a positive conformity determination, and that project sponsors must comply with such commitments.
(d) If the MPO or project sponsor believes the mitigation or control measure is no longer necessary for conformity, the project sponsor or operator may be relieved of its obligation to implement the mitigation or control measure if it can demonstrate that the applicable hot-spot requirements of Sec. 93.116, emission budget requirements of Sec. 93.118, and interim emissions requirements of Sec. 93.119 are satisfied without the mitigation or control measure, and so notifies the agencies involved in the interagency consultation process required under Sec. 93.105. The MPO and DOT must find that the transportation plan and TIP still satisfy the applicable requirements of Secs. 93.118 and/or 93.119 and that the project still satisfies the requirements of Sec. 93.116, and therefore that the conformity determinations for the transportation plan, TIP, and project are still valid. This finding is subject to the applicable public consultation requirements in Sec. 93.105(e) for conformity determinations for projects. [62 FR 43801, Aug. 15, 1997, as amended at 69 FR 40081, July 1, 2004; 71 FR 12510, Mar. 10, 2006]