In accordance with Sec. Sec. 97.41 and 97.42, the Administrator will allocate to the NOX Budget units under Sec. 97.4(a) in a State, for each control period specified in Sec. 97.41, a total number of NOX allowances equal to the trading budget for the State, as set forth in appendix C of this part, less the sum of the NOX emission limitations (in tons) for each unit exempt under Sec. 97.4(b) that is not allocated any NOX allowances under Sec. 97.42 (b) or (c) for the control period and whose NOX emission limitation (in tons of NOX) is not included in the amount calculated under Sec. 97.42(d)(5)(ii)(B) for the control period. [65 FR 2727, Jan. 18, 2000, as amended at 69 FR 21646, Apr. 21, 2004]