(a) Designated representative requirements. The owners and operators shall comply with the requirement to have a designated representative, and may have an alternate designated representative, in accordance with Sec. Sec. 97.713 through 97.718.
(b) Emissions monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements. (1) The owners and operators, and the designated representative, of each TR SO2 Group 2 source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall comply with the monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements of Sec. Sec. 97.730 through 97.735.
(1) The owners and operators, and the designated representative, of each TR SO2 Group 2 source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall comply with the monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements of Sec. Sec. 97.730 through 97.735.
(2) The emissions data determined in accordance with Sec. Sec. 97.730 through 97.735 shall be used to calculate allocations of TR SO2 Group 2 allowances under Sec. Sec. 97.711(a)(2) and (b) and 97.712 and to determine compliance with the TR SO2 Group 2 emissions limitation and assurance provisions under paragraph (c) of this section, provided that, for each monitoring location from which mass emissions are reported, the mass emissions amount used in calculating such allocations and determining such compliance shall be the mass emissions amount for the monitoring location determined in accordance with Sec. Sec. 97.730 through 97.735 and rounded to the nearest ton, with any fraction of a ton less than 0.50 being deemed to be zero.
(c) SO2 emissions requirements. (1) TR SO2 Group 2 emissions limitation. (i) As of the allowance transfer deadline for a control period in a given year, the owners and operators of each TR SO2 Group 2 source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall hold, in the source's compliance account, TR SO2 Group 2 allowances available for deduction for such control period under Sec. 97.724(a) in an amount not less than the tons of total SO2 emissions for such control period from all TR SO2 Group 2 units at the source.
(1) TR SO2 Group 2 emissions limitation. (i) As of the allowance transfer deadline for a control period in a given year, the owners and operators of each TR SO2 Group 2 source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall hold, in the source's compliance account, TR SO2 Group 2 allowances available for deduction for such control period under Sec. 97.724(a) in an amount not less than the tons of total SO2 emissions for such control period from all TR SO2 Group 2 units at the source.
(i) As of the allowance transfer deadline for a control period in a given year, the owners and operators of each TR SO2 Group 2 source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall hold, in the source's compliance account, TR SO2 Group 2 allowances available for deduction for such control period under Sec. 97.724(a) in an amount not less than the tons of total SO2 emissions for such control period from all TR SO2 Group 2 units at the source.
(ii) If total SO2 emissions during a control period in a given year from the TR SO2 Group 2 units at a TR SO2 Group 2 source are in excess of the TR SO2 Group 2 emissions limitation set forth in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, then:
(A) The owners and operators of the source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall hold the TR SO2 Group 2 allowances required for deduction under Sec. 97.724(d); and
(B) The owners and operators of the source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall pay any fine, penalty, or assessment or comply with any other remedy imposed, for the same violations, under the Clean Air Act, and each ton of such excess emissions and each day of such control period shall constitute a separate violation of this subpart and the Clean Air Act.
(2) TR SO2 Group 2 assurance provisions. (i) If total SO2 emissions during a control period in a given year from all TR SO2 Group 2 units at TR SO2 Group 2 sources in a State (and Indian country within the borders of such State) exceed the State assurance level, then the owners and operators of such sources and units in each group of one or more sources and units having a common designated representative for such control period, where the common designated representative's share of such SO2 emissions during such control period exceeds the common designated representative's assurance level for the State and such control period, shall hold (in the assurance account established for the owners and operators of such group) TR SO2 Group 2 allowances available for deduction for such control period under Sec. 97.725(a) in an amount equal to two times the product (rounded to the nearest whole number), as determined by the Administrator in accordance with Sec. 97.725(b), of multiplying--
(i) If total SO2 emissions during a control period in a given year from all TR SO2 Group 2 units at TR SO2 Group 2 sources in a State (and Indian country within the borders of such State) exceed the State assurance level, then the owners and operators of such sources and units in each group of one or more sources and units having a common designated representative for such control period, where the common designated representative's share of such SO2 emissions during such control period exceeds the common designated representative's assurance level for the State and such control period, shall hold (in the assurance account established for the owners and operators of such group) TR SO2 Group 2 allowances available for deduction for such control period under Sec. 97.725(a) in an amount equal to two times the product (rounded to the nearest whole number), as determined by the Administrator in accordance with Sec. 97.725(b), of multiplying--
(A) The quotient of the amount by which the common designated representative's share of such SO2 emissions exceeds the common designated representative's assurance level divided by the sum of the amounts, determined for all common designated representatives for such sources and units in the State (and Indian country within the borders of such State) for such control period, by which each common designated representative's share of such SO2 emissions exceeds the respective common designated representative's assurance level; and
(B) The amount by which total SO2 emissions from all TR SO2 Group 2 units at TR SO2 Group 2 sources in the State (and Indian country within the borders of such State) for such control period exceed the State assurance level.
(ii) The owners and operators shall hold the TR SO2 Group 2 allowances required under paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, as of midnight of November 1 (if it is a business day), or midnight of the first business day thereafter (if November 1 is not a business day), immediately after such control period.
(iii) Total SO2 emissions from all TR SO2 Group 2 units at TR SO2 Group 2 sources in a State (and Indian country within the borders of such State) during a control period in a given year exceed the State assurance level if such total SO2 emissions exceed the sum, for such control period, of the State SO2 Group 2 trading budget under Sec. 97.710(a) and the State's variability limit under Sec. 97.710(b).
(iv) It shall not be a violation of this subpart or of the Clean Air Act if total SO2 emissions from all TR SO2 Group 2 units at TR SO2 Group 2 sources in a State (and Indian country within the borders of such State) during a control period exceed the State assurance level or if a common designated representative's share of total SO2 emissions from the TR SO2 Group 2 units at TR SO2 Group 2 sources in a State (and Indian country within the borders of such State) during a control period exceeds the common designated representative's assurance level.
(v) To the extent the owners and operators fail to hold TR SO2 Group 2 allowances for a control period in a given year in accordance with paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section,
(A) The owners and operators shall pay any fine, penalty, or assessment or comply with any other remedy imposed under the Clean Air Act; and
(B) Each TR SO2 Group 2 allowance that the owners and operators fail to hold for such control period in accordance with paragraphs (c)(2)(i) through (iii) of this section and each day of such control period shall constitute a separate violation of this subpart and the Clean Air Act.
(3) Compliance periods. (i) A TR SO2 Group 2 unit shall be subject to the requirements under paragraph (c)(1) of this section for the control period starting on the later of January 1, 2015 or the deadline for meeting the unit's monitor certification requirements under Sec. 97.730(b) and for each control period thereafter.
(i) A TR SO2 Group 2 unit shall be subject to the requirements under paragraph (c)(1) of this section for the control period starting on the later of January 1, 2015 or the deadline for meeting the unit's monitor certification requirements under Sec. 97.730(b) and for each control period thereafter.
(ii) A TR SO2 Group 2 unit shall be subject to the requirements under paragraph (c)(2) of this section for the control period starting on the later of January 1, 2017 or the deadline for meeting the unit's monitor certification requirements under Sec. 97.730(b) and for each control period thereafter.
(4) Vintage of allowances held for compliance. (i) A TR SO2 Group 2 allowance held for compliance with the requirements under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section for a control period in a given year must be a TR SO2 Group 2 allowance that was allocated for such control period or a control period in a prior year.
(i) A TR SO2 Group 2 allowance held for compliance with the requirements under paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section for a control period in a given year must be a TR SO2 Group 2 allowance that was allocated for such control period or a control period in a prior year.
(ii) A TR SO2 Group 2 allowance held for compliance with the requirements under paragraphs (c)(1)(ii)(A) and (2)(i) through (iii) of this section for a control period in a given year must be a TR SO2 Group 2 allowance that was allocated for a control period in a prior year or the control period in the given year or in the immediately following year.
(5) Allowance Management System requirements. Each TR SO2 Group 2 allowance shall be held in, deducted from, or transferred into, out of, or between Allowance Management System accounts in accordance with this subpart.
(6) Limited authorization. A TR SO2 Group 2 allowance is a limited authorization to emit one ton of SO2 during the control period in one year. Such authorization is limited in its use and duration as follows:
(i) Such authorization shall only be used in accordance with the TR SO2 Group 2 Trading Program; and
(ii) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart, the Administrator has the authority to terminate or limit the use and duration of such authorization to the extent the Administrator determines is necessary or appropriate to implement any provision of the Clean Air Act.
(7) Property right. A TR SO2 Group 2 allowance does not constitute a property right.
(d) Title V permit requirements. (1) No title V permit revision shall be required for any allocation, holding, deduction, or transfer of TR SO2 Group 2 allowances in accordance with this subpart.
(1) No title V permit revision shall be required for any allocation, holding, deduction, or transfer of TR SO2 Group 2 allowances in accordance with this subpart.
(2) A description of whether a unit is required to monitor and report SO2 emissions using a continuous emission monitoring system (under subpart H of part 75 of this chapter), an excepted monitoring system (under appendices D and E to part 75 of this chapter), a low mass emissions excepted monitoring methodology (under Sec. 75.19 of this chapter), or an alternative monitoring system (under subpart E of part 75 of this chapter) in accordance with Sec. Sec. 97.730 through 97.735 may be added to, or changed in, a title V permit using minor permit modification procedures in accordance with Sec. Sec. 70.7(e)(2) and 71.7(e)(1) of this chapter, provided that the requirements applicable to the described monitoring and reporting (as added or changed, respectively) are already incorporated in such permit. This paragraph explicitly provides that the addition of, or change to, a unit's description as described in the prior sentence is eligible for minor permit modification procedures in accordance with Sec. Sec. 70.7(e)(2)(i)(B) and 71.7(e)(1)(i)(B) of this chapter.
(e) Additional recordkeeping and reporting requirements. (1) Unless otherwise provided, the owners and operators of each TR SO2 Group 2 source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall keep on site at the source each of the following documents (in hardcopy or electronic format) for a period of 5 years from the date the document is created. This period may be extended for cause, at any time before the end of 5 years, in writing by the Administrator.
(1) Unless otherwise provided, the owners and operators of each TR SO2 Group 2 source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall keep on site at the source each of the following documents (in hardcopy or electronic format) for a period of 5 years from the date the document is created. This period may be extended for cause, at any time before the end of 5 years, in writing by the Administrator.
(i) The certificate of representation under Sec. 97.716 for the designated representative for the source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source and all documents that demonstrate the truth of the statements in the certificate of representation; provided that the certificate and documents shall be retained on site at the source beyond such 5-year period until such certificate of representation and documents are superseded because of the submission of a new certificate of representation under Sec. 97.716 changing the designated representative.
(ii) All emissions monitoring information, in accordance with this subpart.
(iii) Copies of all reports, compliance certifications, and other submissions and all records made or required under, or to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of, the TR SO2 Group 2 Trading Program.
(2) The designated representative of a TR SO2 Group 2 source and each TR SO2 Group 2 unit at the source shall make all submissions required under the TR SO2 Group 2 Trading Program, except as provided in Sec. 97.718. This requirement does not change, create an exemption from, or otherwise affect the responsible official submission requirements under a title V operating permit program in parts 70 and 71 of this chapter.
(f) Liability. (1) Any provision of the TR SO2 Group 2 Trading Program that applies to a TR SO2 Group 2 source or the designated representative of a TR SO2 Group 2 source shall also apply to the owners and operators of such source and of the TR SO2 Group 2 units at the source.
(1) Any provision of the TR SO2 Group 2 Trading Program that applies to a TR SO2 Group 2 source or the designated representative of a TR SO2 Group 2 source shall also apply to the owners and operators of such source and of the TR SO2 Group 2 units at the source.
(2) Any provision of the TR SO2 Group 2 Trading Program that applies to a TR SO2 Group 2 unit or the designated representative of a TR SO2 Group 2 unit shall also apply to the owners and operators of such unit.
(g) Effect on other authorities. No provision of the TR SO2 Group 2 Trading Program or exemption under Sec. 97.705 shall be construed as exempting or excluding the owners and operators, and the designated representative, of a TR SO2 Group 2 source or TR SO2 Group 2 unit from compliance with any other provision of the applicable, approved State implementation plan, a federally enforceable permit, or the Clean Air Act. [76 FR 48458, Aug. 8, 2011, as amended at 77 FR 10340, Feb. 21, 2012; 79 FR 71672, Dec. 3, 2014]