Your agency head or designee's role is to:
(a) Designate an agency-level Standard and Optional Forms Liaison representative and alternate, and notify GSA, in writing, of their names, titles, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses within 30 days of the designation or redesignation.
(b) Promulgate Governmentwide Standard forms under the agency's statutory or regulatory authority in the Federal Register, and issue procedures on the mandatory use, revision, or cancellation of these forms.
(c) Ensure that the agency complies with the provisions of the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) (Public Law 105-277, 112 Stat 2681), Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 74d), as amended, the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) Standards (36 CFR part 1194), and OMB implementing guidance. In particular, agencies should allow the submission of Standard and Optional forms in an electronic/automated version unless the form is specifically exempted by Sec. 102-194.40.
(d) Issue Governmentwide Optional forms when needed by two or more agencies and announce the availability, revision, or cancellation of these forms. Forms prescribed through a regulation for use by the Federal Government must be issued as a Standard form.
(e) Obtain GSA approval for each new, revised or canceled Standard and Optional form, 60 days prior to planned implementation. Certify that the forms comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Provide an electronic form unless exempted by Sec. 102-194.40. Revised forms not approved by GSA will result in cancellation of the form.
(f) Provide GSA with both an electronic (unless exempted by Sec. 102-194.40) and paper version of the official image of the Standard or Optional form prior to implementation.
(g) Obtain the prescribing agency's approval for exceptions to Standard and Optional forms, including electronic forms or automated formats prior to implementation.
(h) Review annually agency prescribed Standard and Optional forms, including exceptions, for improvement, consolidation, cancellation, or possible automation. The review must include approved electronic versions of the forms.
(i) Coordinate all health-care related Standard and Optional forms through GSA for the approval of the Interagency Committee on Medical Records (ICMR).
(j) Promote the use of electronic forms within the agency by following what the Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) prescribes and all guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget and other responsible agencies. This guidance will promote the use of electronic transactions and electronic signatures.
(k) Notify GSA of the replacement of any Standard or Optional form by an automated format or electronic form, and its impact on the need to stock the paper form. GSA's approval is not necessary for this change, but a one-time notification should be made.
(l) Follow the specific instructions in the Standard and Optional Forms Procedural Handbook.