Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 41  /  Part 102-3  /  Sec. 102-3.25 What definitions apply to this part?

The following definitions apply to this Federal Advisory Committee Management part:

Act means the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C., App.

Administrator means the Administrator of General Services.

Advisory committee subject to the Act, except as specifically exempted by the Act or by other statutes, or as not covered by this part, means any committee, board, commission, council, conference, panel, task force, or other similar group, which is established by statute, or established or utilized by the President or by an agency official, for the purpose of obtaining advice or recommendations for the President or on issues or policies within the scope of an agency official's responsibilities.

Agency has the same meaning as in 5 U.S.C. 551(1).

Committee Management Officer (``CMO''), means the individual designated by the agency head to implement the provisions of section 8(b) of the Act and any delegated responsibilities of the agency head under the Act.

Committee Management Secretariat (``Secretariat''), means the organization established pursuant to section 7(a) of the Act, which is responsible for all matters relating to advisory committees, and carries out the responsibilities of the Administrator under the Act and Executive Order 12024 (3 CFR, 1977 Comp., p. 158).

Committee meeting means any gathering of advisory committee members (whether in person or through electronic means) held with the approval of an agency for the purpose of deliberating on the substantive matters upon which the advisory committee provides advice or recommendations.

Committee member means an individual who serves by appointment or invitation on an advisory committee or subcommittee.

Committee staff means any Federal employee, private individual, or other party (whether under contract or not) who is not a committee member, and who serves in a support capacity to an advisory committee or subcommittee.

Designated Federal Officer (``DFO''), means an individual designated by the agency head, for each advisory committee for which the agency head is responsible, to implement the provisions of sections 10(e) and (f) of the Act and any advisory committee procedures of the agency under the control and supervision of the CMO.

Discretionary advisory committee means any advisory committee that is established under the authority of an agency head or authorized by statute. An advisory committee referenced in general (non-specific) authorizing language or Congressional committee report language is discretionary, and its establishment or termination is within the legal discretion of an agency head.

Independent Presidential advisory committee means any Presidential advisory committee not assigned by the Congress in law, or by President or the President's delegate, to an agency for administrative and other support.

Non-discretionary advisory committee means any advisory committee either required by statute or by Presidential directive. A non-discretionary advisory committee required by statute generally is identified specifically in a statute by name, purpose, or functions, and its establishment or termination is beyond the legal discretion of an agency head.

Presidential advisory committee means any advisory committee authorized by the Congress or directed by the President to advise the President.

Subcommittee means a group, generally not subject to the Act, that reports to an advisory committee and not directly to a Federal officer or agency, whether or not its members are drawn in whole or in part from the parent advisory committee.

Utilized for the purposes of the Act, does not have its ordinary meaning. A committee that is not established by the Federal Government is utilized within the meaning of the Act when the President or a Federal office or agency exercises actual management or control over its operation.