When acquiring excess personal property for use by a non-federal recipient, your authorized agency official must:
(a) Ensure the use of excess personal property by the non-federal recipient is authorized and complies with applicable federal regulations and agency guidelines.
(b) Determine that the use of excess personal property will reduce the costs to the government and/or that it is in the government's best interest to furnish excess personal property.
(c) Review and approve transfer documents for excess personal property as the sponsoring Federal agency.
(d) Ensure the non-federal recipient is aware of his obligations under the FMR and your agency regulations regarding the management of excess personal property.
(e) Ensure the non-federal recipient does not stockpile the property but places the property into use within a reasonable period of time, and has a system to prevent nonuse, improper use, or unauthorized disposal or destruction of excess personal property furnished.
(f) Establish provisions and procedures for property accountability and disposition in situations when the government retains title.
(g) Report annually to GSA excess personal property furnished to non-federal recipients during the year (see Sec. 102-36.295).