Yes, send GSA reports of excess (see Sec. 102-36.125 of this subchapter B) for all seized personal property subject to judicial forfeiture as well as forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, or unclaimed personal property not required for official use, except the following, whose disposition is covered under other statutes and authorities:
(a) Forfeited firearms or munitions of war seized by the Department of Commerce and transferred to the Department of Defense (DOD) pursuant to 22 U.S.C. 401.
(b) Forfeited firearms directly transferable to DOD by law.
(c) Seeds, plants, or misbranded packages seized by the Department of Agriculture.
(d) Game animals and equipment (other than vessels, including cargo) seized by the Department of the Interior.
(e) Files of papers and undeliverable mail in the custody of the United States Postal Service.
(f) Articles in the custody of the Department of Commerce Patent and Trademark Office that are in violation of laws governing trademarks or patents.
(g) Unclaimed and voluntarily abandoned personal property subject to laws and regulations of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security.
(h) Property seized in payment of or as security for debts arising under the internal revenue laws.
(i) Lost, abandoned, or unclaimed personal property the Coast Guard or the military services are authorized to dispose of under 10 U.S.C. 2575.
(j) Property of deceased veterans left on a Government facility subject to 38 U.S.C. 8501.
(k) Controlled substances reportable to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice, Washington, DC 20537.
(l) Forfeited, condemned, or voluntarily abandoned tobacco, snuff, cigars, or cigarettes which, if offered for sale, will not bring a price equal to the internal revenue tax due and payable thereon; and which is subject to destruction or delivery without payment of any tax to any hospital maintained by the Federal Government for the use of present or former members of the military.
(m) Property determined appropriate for abandonment/destruction (see Sec. 102-36.305 of this subchapter B).
(n) Personal property where handling and disposal is governed by specific legislative authority notwithstanding Title 40 of the United States Code.