(a) The standards set forth in Sec. Sec. 105-55.027 and 105-55.028 apply to the suspension or termination of collection activity pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3711 on debts that do not exceed $100,000, or such other amount as the Attorney General may direct, exclusive of interest, penalties, and administrative costs, after deducting the amount of partial payments or collections, if any. Prior to referring a debt to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for litigation, the General Services Administration (GSA) may suspend or terminate collection under this part with respect to debts arising out of activities of, or referred or transferred for collection services to, the Agency.
(b) If, after deducting the amount of any partial payments or collections, the principal amount of a debt exceeds $100,000, or such other amount as the Attorney General may direct, exclusive of interest, penalties, and administrative costs, the authority to suspend or terminate rests solely with DOJ. If GSA believes suspension or termination of any debt in excess of $100,000 may be appropriate, the Agency will refer the debt to the Civil Division or other appropriate litigating division in DOJ, using the Claims Collection Litigation Report. The referral will specify the reasons for the Agency's recommendation. If, prior to referral to DOJ, GSA determines a debt is plainly erroneous or clearly without legal merit, the Agency may terminate collection activity regardless of the amount involved without obtaining DOJ concurrence.