(a) The employee may request a pre-offset hearing by filing a written petition with the appropriate program official indicated in the pre-offset notice, within 15 days of receipt of the written notice. The petition must state why the employee believes GSA's determination concerning the existence and/or amount of the debt is in error, set forth any objections to the involuntary repayment schedule, and, if the employee is seeking an oral hearing, set forth reasons for an oral hearing. The timely filing of a petition will suspend the commencement of collection proceedings.
(b) The employee's petition or statement must be signed and dated by the employee.
(c) Petitions for hearing made after the expiration of the 15-day period may be accepted if the employee can show that the delay was because of circumstances beyond his or her control or because of failure to receive notice of the time limit.
(d) If the employee timely requests a pre-offset hearing or the timeliness is waived, the appropriate program official must--
(1) Promptly notify the CBCA and arrange for a hearing official (see Sec. 105-56.003(m) of this subpart). The hearing official will notify the employee whether he or she may have an oral or a ``paper hearing,'' i.e., a review on the written record (see 31 CFR 901.3(e)); and
(2) Provide the hearing official with a copy of all records on which the determination of the debt and any involuntary repayment schedule are based.
(e) If an oral hearing is to be held, the hearing official will notify the appropriate program official and the employee of the date, time, and location of the hearing. The debtor may choose to have the hearing conducted in the hearing official's office located at 1800 M Street NW., 6th Floor, Washington, DC 20036, at another location designated by the hearing official, or by telephone. The debtor and any witnesses are responsible for any personal expenses incurred to arrive at a hearing official's office or other designated location (see Sec. 105-56.007(c)). All telephonic charges incurred during a hearing will be the responsibility of GSA.
(f) If the employee later elects to have the hearing based only on the written submissions, notification must be given to the hearing official and the appropriate program official at least 3 days before the date of the oral hearing. The hearing official may waive the 3-day requirement for good cause.
(g) If either party, without good cause as determined by the hearing official, does not appear at a scheduled oral hearing, the hearing official will make a determination on the claim which takes into account that party's position as presented in writing only. [68 FR 68752, Dec. 10, 2003, as amended at 78 FR 29247, May 20, 2013]