(a) GSA will respond to an initial FOIA request that reasonably describes requested records, including a fee waiver request, within 20 workdays (that is, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays) after receipt of a request by the office of the appropriate official specified in Sec. 105-60.402-1. This letter will provide the agency's decision with respect to disclosure or nondisclosure of the requested records, or, if appropriate, a decision on a request for a fee waiver. If the records to be disclosed are not provided with the initial letter, the records will be sent as soon as possible thereafter.
(b) In unusual circumstances, as described in Sec. 105-60.404, GSA will inform the requester of the agency's need to take an extension of time, not to exceed an additional 10 workdays. This notice will afford requesters an opportunity to limit the scope of the request so that it may be processed within prescribed time limits or an opportunity to arrange an alternative time frame for processing the request or a modified request. Such mutually agreed time frames will supersede the 10 day limit for extensions.
(c) GSA will consider requests for expedited processing from requesters who submit a statement describing a compelling need and certifying that this need is true and correct to the best of such person's knowledge and belief. A compelling need means:
(1) Failure to obtain the records on an expedited basis could reasonably be expected to pose an imminent threat to the life or physical safety of an individual; or
(2) The information is urgently needed by an individual primarily engaged in disseminating information in order to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal Government activity. An individual primarily engaged in dissmeninating information means a person whose primary activity involves publishing or otherwise disseminating information to the public. ``Urgently needed'' information has a particular value that will be lost if not disseminated quickly, such as a breaking news story or general public interest. Information of historical interest only, or information sought for litigation or commercial activities would not qualify, nor would a news media publication or broadcast deadline unrelated to the newsbreaking nature of the information.
(d) GSA will decide whether to grant expedited processing within five working days of receipt of the request. If the request is granted, GSA will process the request ahead of non-expedited requests, as soon as practicable. If the request is not granted, GSA will give expeditious consideration to administrative appeals of this denial.
(e) GSA may, at its discretion, establish three processing queues based on whether any requests have been granted expedited status and on the difficulty and complexity of preparing a response. Within each queue, responses will be prepared on a ``first in, first out'' basis. One queue will be made up of expedited requests; the second, of simple responses that clearly can be prepared without requesting an extension of time; the third, of responses that will require an extension of time.