(a) Proposed sales of foreign surplus personal property having an acquisition cost of $250,000 or more shall be reported to the DPMO and should include all pertinent data, including the following:
(1) The description of personal property to be sold, including:
(i) Identification of personal property (description should be in terms understandable to persons not expert in technical nomenclature). Personal property covered by the U.S. Munitions List and regulations pertaining thereto (as published in 22 CFR 121.01) should be clearly identified;
(ii) Quantity;
(iii) Condition; and
(iv) Acquisition cost.
(2) The proposed method of sale (e.g., sealed bid, negotiated sale, etc.)
(3) Any currency to be received and payment provisions (i.e., U.S. dollars, foreign currency, or credit, including terms of the proposed sale).
(4) Any restrictions on use of personal property to be sold (such as resale of property, disposal as scrap, demilitarization, etc.).
(5) Any special terms or conditions of sale.
(6) The categories of prospective purchasers (e.g., host country, other foreign countries, special qualifications, etc.).
(7) How taxes, excises, duties, etc., will be handled.
(b) Instructions for reporting foreign excess utilization and disposal transactions are contained in Chapter III of DOE Order 534.1, Accounting.