(a) Requirements. To carry out the purposes of section 334 of the Act, each National Health Service Corps site must enter into an agreement with the Secretary under which the site agrees to:
(1) Be responsible for charging for health services provided by assigned National Health Service Corps personnel;
(2) Take reasonable action for the collection of the charges for those health services;
(3) Reimburse the United States the sums required under section 334 of the Act; and
(4) Prepare and submit an annual report. The agreement will set forth the period of assignment (not to exceed 4 years), the number and type of Corps personnel to be assigned to the site, and other requirements which the Secretary determines necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act.
(b) Termination. An agreement entered into under this section may be terminated by either party on 30-days written notice or modified by mutual consent consistent with section 333 of the Act. [45 FR 12790, Feb. 27, 1980, as amended at 51 FR 31948, Sept. 8, 1986]