(a) In exercising its reopening authority under Sec. 405.1885, CMS (for Secretary determinations), the contractor or the reviewing entity, as applicable, must provide written notice to all parties to the determination or decision that is the subject of the reopening. Notices of--
(1) Reopening by a CMS reviewing official or the Board must be sent promptly to the Administrator.
(2) Contractor reopenings of determinations that are currently pending before the Board or the Administrator must meet the requirements specified in Sec. 405.1885(c)(3) and (c)(4) of this subpart.
(b) Upon receipt of the notice required under Sec. 405.1887(a) of this subpart, the parties to the prior Secretary or contractor determination or decision by a reviewing entity, as applicable, must be allowed a reasonable period of time in which to present any additional evidence or argument in support of their positions.
(c) Upon concluding its reopening, CMS, the contractor or the reviewing entity, as applicable, must provide written notice promptly to all parties to the determination or decision that is the subject of the reopening, informing the parties as to what matter(s), if any, is revised, with a complete explanation of the basis for any revision.
(d) A reopening by itself does not extend appeal rights. Any matter that is reconsidered during the course of a reopening, but is not revised, is not within the proper scope of an appeal of a revised determination or decision (as described in Sec. 405.1889 of this subpart). [73 FR 30266, May 23, 2008]