If a physician or practitioner opts-out of Medicare in accordance with this subpart for the 2-year period for which the opt-out is effective, the following results obtain:
(a) Except as provided in Sec. 405.440, no payment may be made directly by Medicare or by any Medicare Advantage plan to the physician or practitioner or to any entity to which the physician or practitioner reassigns his right to receive payment for services.
(b) The physician or practitioner may not furnish any item or service that would otherwise be covered by Medicare (except for emergency or urgent care services) to any Medicare beneficiary except through a private contract that meets the requirements of this subpart.
(c) The physician or practitioner is not subject to the requirement to submit a claim for items or services furnished to a Medicare beneficiary, as specified in Sec. 424.5(a)(6) of this chapter, except as provided in Sec. 405.440.
(d) The physician or practitioner is prohibited from submitting a claim to Medicare for items or services furnished to a Medicare beneficiary except as provided in Sec. 405.440.
(e) In the case of a physician, he or she is not subject to the limiting charge provisions of Sec. 414.48 of this chapter, except for services provided under Sec. 405.440.
(f) The physician or practitioner is not subject to the prohibition-on-reassignment provisions of Sec. 414.80 of this chapter, except for services provided under Sec. 405.440.
(g) In the case of a practitioner, he or she is not prohibited from billing or collecting amounts from beneficiaries (as provided in 42 U.S.C. 1395u(b)(18)(B)).
(h) The death of a beneficiary who has entered into a private contract (or whose legal representative has done so) does not invoke Sec. 424.62 or Sec. 424.64 of this chapter with respect to the physician or practitioner with whom the beneficiary (or legal representative) has privately contracted.
(i) The physician or practitioner who has not been excluded under sections 1128, 1156, or 1892 of the Social Security Act may order, certify the need for, or refer a beneficiary for Medicare-covered items and services, provided the physician or practitioner is not paid, directly or indirectly, for such services (except as provided in Sec. 405.440).
(j) The physician or practitioner who is excluded under sections 1128, 1156, or 1892 of the Social Security Act may not order, prescribe, or certify the need for Medicare-covered items and services except as provided in Sec. 1001.1901 of this title, and must otherwise comply with the terms of the exclusion in accordance with Sec. 1001.1901 effective with the date of the exclusion. [63 FR 58901, Nov. 2, 1998, as amended at 79 FR 68001, Nov. 13, 2014]