(a) Medicare Part B pays, in accordance with the physician fee schedule, for services furnished in or at the direction of a hospital or outpatient clinic (provider-based or free-standing) that is operated by the Indian Health Service (IHS) or by an Indian tribe or tribal organization (as those terms are defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act). These services are subject to the same situations, terms, and conditions that would apply if the services were furnished in or at the direction of a hospital or clinic that is not operated by IHS or by an Indian tribe or tribal organization. Payments include health professional shortage areas incentive payments when the requirements for these incentive payments in Sec. 414.42 of this chapter are met.
(b) Payment is not made under this section to the extent that Medicare otherwise pays for the same services under other provisions.
(c) Payment is made under these provisions for the following services:
(1) Services for which payment is made under the physician fee schedule in accordance with part 414 of this chapter.
(2) Services furnished by non-physician practitioners for which payment under Part B is made under the physician fee schedule.
(3) Services furnished by a physical therapist or occupational therapist, for which payment under Part B is made under the physician fee schedule.
(d) Payments under these provisions will be paid to the IHS or tribal hospital or clinic. [66 FR 55329, Nov. 1, 2001]