As used in this subpart--
Any 12-month period means the 12-month period beginning on the first day of any month.
Expansion of services means--
(1) The addition of any health service not previously provided by or through the HMO, that requires an increase in the facilities, equipment, or health professionals of the HMO; or
(2) The improvement or upgrading of existing facilities or equipment, or an increase in the number of categories of health professionals, of the HMO so that the HMO could provide directly services that it previously provided through contract or referral or which it could not previously provide with its existing facilities or equipment.
First 60 months of operation or expansion means the 60-month period beginning on the first day of the month during which the HMO first provided services to enrollees, or in the case of significant expansion, first provided services in accordance with its expansion plan.
Health system agency means an entity that has been designated in accordance with section 1515 of the PHS Act; and the term State health planning and development agency means an agency that has been designated in accordance with section 1521 of the PHS Act.
Initial costs of operation means any cost incurred in the first 60 months of an operation or expansion that met any of the following requirements:
(1) Under generally accepted accounting principles or under accounting practices prescribed or permitted by State regulatory authority, was not a capital cost.
(2) Was required by State regulatory authority to meet reserves or tangible net equity requirements.
(3) Was for a payment made to reduce balance sheet liabilities existing at the beginning of the 60-month period, but only if--
(i) The payment had been approved in writing by the Secretary; and
(ii) The total of these payments did not exceed 20 percent of the amount of the loan.
(4) Was for a small capital expenditure, but only if--
(i) The cost had been approved in writing by the Secretary; and
(ii) The total of these costs did not exceed $200,000 in any 12-month period, and $400,000 during the first 60 months of operation or expansion.
Nonprofit as applied to a private entity, means a private agency, institution, or organization, no part of the net earnings of which inures, or may lawfully inure, to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.
Significant expansion means--
(1) A planned substantial increase in the enrollment of the HMO, that requires an increase in the number of health professionals serving enrollees of the HMO or an expansion of the physical capacity of the HMO's total health facilities; or
(2) A planned expansion of the service area beyond the current service area, that would be made possible by the addition of health service delivery facilities and health professionals to serve enrollees at a new site or sites in areas previously without service sites.
Small capital expenditure means expenditures for--
(1) Equipment as defined in 45 CFR 74.132; or
(2) Alterations and renovations required to change the interior arrangements or other physical characteristics of an existing facility or installed equipment, so that it may be more effectively used for its currently designated purpose, or adapted to a changed use. [58 FR 38076, July 15, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 49842, Sept. 30, 1994]