(a) Basis. This part is based on the provisions of the following sections of the Act:
Section 1124--Requirements for disclosure of certain information.
Sections 1816 and 1842--Provisions relating to the administration of Parts A and B.
Section 1893--Requirements for protecting the integrity of the Medicare program.
(b) Applicability. The provisions of this part apply to agreements with Part A (Hospital Insurance) fiscal intermediaries that received awards under sections 1816 or 1842 of the Act prior to October 1, 2005, contracts with Part B (Supplementary Medical Insurance) carriers that received awards under sections 1816 or 1842 of the Act prior to October 1, 2005, and contracts with Medicare integrity program contractors that perform program integrity functions.
(c) Scope. The scope of this part--
(1) Specifies that CMS may perform certain functions directly or by contract.
(2) Specifies criteria and standards CMS uses in evaluating the performance of fiscal intermediaries' successor entities and in assigning or reassigning a provider or providers to particular fiscal intermediaries.
(3) Provides the opportunity for a hearing for fiscal intermediaries and carriers affected by certain adverse actions.
(4) Provides adversely affected fiscal intermediaries an opportunity for judicial review of certain hearing decisions.
(5) Sets forth requirements related to contracts with Medicare integrity program contractors. [72 FR 48886, Aug. 24, 2007]