(a) When the MAC may remand a case to the ALJ. (1) The MAC may remand a case in which additional evidence is needed or additional action by the ALJ is required. The MAC will designate in its remand order whether the ALJ will issue a decision or a recommended decision on remand.
(1) The MAC may remand a case in which additional evidence is needed or additional action by the ALJ is required. The MAC will designate in its remand order whether the ALJ will issue a decision or a recommended decision on remand.
(2) Action by ALJ on remand. The ALJ will take any action that is ordered by the MAC and may take any additional action that is not inconsistent with the MAC's remand order.
(3) Notice when case is returned with a recommended decision. When the ALJ sends a case to the MAC with a recommended decision, a notice is mailed to the enrollee at his or her last known address. The notice tells the enrollee that the case was sent to the MAC, explains the rules for filing briefs or other written statements with the MAC, and includes a copy of the recommended decision.
(4) Filing briefs with the MAC when ALJ issues recommended decision. (i) An enrollee may file with the MAC briefs or other written statements about the facts and law relevant to the case within 20 calendar days of the date on the recommended decision or with the request for review for expedited appeals. An enrollee may ask the MAC for additional time to file a brief or written statement. The MAC will extend this period, as appropriate, if the enrollee shows that he or she has good cause for requesting the extension.
(i) An enrollee may file with the MAC briefs or other written statements about the facts and law relevant to the case within 20 calendar days of the date on the recommended decision or with the request for review for expedited appeals. An enrollee may ask the MAC for additional time to file a brief or written statement. The MAC will extend this period, as appropriate, if the enrollee shows that he or she has good cause for requesting the extension.
(ii) All other rules for filing briefs with and obtaining evidence from the MAC follow the procedures explained in this subpart.
(5) Procedures before the MAC. (i) The MAC, after receiving a recommended decision, will conduct proceedings and issue its decision or dismissal according to the procedures explained in this subpart.
(i) The MAC, after receiving a recommended decision, will conduct proceedings and issue its decision or dismissal according to the procedures explained in this subpart.
(ii) If the MAC determines that more evidence is required, it may again remand the case to an ALJ for further inquiry into the issues, rehearing, receipt of evidence, and another decision or recommended decision. However, if the MAC decides that it can get the additional evidence more quickly, it will take appropriate action.
(b) When the MAC must remand a case to the Part D IRE. The MAC will remand a case to the appropriate Part D IRE if the MAC determines that the enrollee wishes evidence on his or her change in condition after the coverage determination to be considered in the appeal.