(a) General rule. The Medicare Coverage Gap Discount Program Agreement (or Discount Program Agreement) between the manufacturer and CMS must contain the provisions specified in paragraph (b) of this section, and may contain such other provisions as are established in a model agreement consistent with section 1860D-14A (a)(1) of the Act.
(b) Agreement requirements. The manufacturer agrees to the following:
(1) All the applicable requirements and conditions set forth in this part and general instructions.
(2) Reimburse all applicable discounts provided by Part D sponsors on behalf of the manufacturer for all applicable drugs having NDCs with the manufacturer's FDA-assigned labeler code(s) invoiced to the manufacturer within a maximum of 3 years of the date of dispensing based upon information reported to CMS by Part D sponsors.
(3) Pay each Part D sponsor in the manner specified by CMS within 38 calendar days of receipt of the invoice and Medicare Part D Discount Information for the applicable discounts included on the invoice, except as specified in Sec. 423.2330(c)(3).
(4) Provide CMS with all labeler codes for all the manufacturer's applicable drugs and to promptly update such list with any additional labeler codes for applicable drugs no later than 3 business days after learning of a new code assigned by the FDA.
(5) Collect, have available, and maintain appropriate data, including data related to manufacturer's labeler codes, FDA drug approvals, FDA NDC Directory listings, NDC last lot expiration dates, utilization and pricing information relied on by the manufacturer to dispute quarterly invoices, and any other data CMS determines are necessary to carry out the Discount Program, for a period of not less than 10 years from the date of payment of the invoice.
(6) Comply with the audit and dispute resolution requirements in Sec. 423.2330.
(7) Electronically list and maintain up-to-date electronic FDA listings of all NDCs of the manufacturer, including providing timely information about discontinued drugs to enable the publication of accurate information regarding what drugs, identified by NDC, are in current distribution.
(8) Maintain up-to-date NDC listings with the electronic database vendors for which the manufacturer provides NDCs for pharmacy claims processing.
(9) Enter into and have in effect, under terms and conditions specified by CMS, an agreement with the TPA that has a contract with CMS under section 1860D-14(A)(d)(3) of the Act.
(10) Pay quarterly invoices directly to accounts established by Part D sponsors via electronic funds transfer, or other manner if specified by CMS, within the time period specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section and within 5 business days of the transfer to provide the TPA with electronic documentation of such payment in a manner specified by CMS.
(11) Use information disclosed to the manufacturer on the invoice, as part of the Medicare Part D Discount Information, or upon audit or dispute only for purposes of paying the discount under the Discount Program.
(c) Timing and length of agreement. (1) For 2011, a manufacturer must enter into a Discount Program Agreement not later than 30 days after the date of establishment of the model Discount Program Agreement.
(1) For 2011, a manufacturer must enter into a Discount Program Agreement not later than 30 days after the date of establishment of the model Discount Program Agreement.
(2) For 2012 and subsequent years, for a Discount Program Agreement to be effective for a year, a manufacturer must enter into a Discount Program Agreement not later than January 30th of the preceding year.
(3) Unless terminated in accordance with Sec. 423.2345, the initial period of a Discount Program Agreement is 24 months and the agreement is automatically renewed for a 1-year period on January first each year for a period of 1 year thereafter.
(d) Compliance with requirements for administration of the Program. Each manufacturer with an agreement in effect under this subpart must comply with the requirements imposed by CMS or the third party administrator (as defined in Sec. 423.2305) for purposes of administering the program.