(a) Acknowledgement of reconsideration review request. The reconsideration official sends an acknowledgement of the reconsideration review request to the ACO and CMS that includes the following:
(1) Review procedures.
(2) Procedures for submission of evidence including format and timelines.
(3) A briefing schedule that permits each party to submit only one written brief, including any evidence, for consideration by the reconsideration official in support of the party's position. The submission of any additional briefs or supplemental evidence will be at the sole discretion of the reconsideration official.
(b) Burden of proof, standard of proof, and standards of review. The burden of proof is on the ACO to demonstrate to the reconsideration official with convincing evidence that the initial determination is not consistent with the requirements of this part or applicable statutory authority.
(c) Reconsideration official. The reconsideration official is an independent CMS official who did not participate in the initial determination that is being reviewed.
(d) Evidence. (1) The reconsideration official's review will be based only on evidence submitted by the reconsideration official's requested deadline, unless otherwise requested by the reconsideration official.
(1) The reconsideration official's review will be based only on evidence submitted by the reconsideration official's requested deadline, unless otherwise requested by the reconsideration official.
(2) Documentation submitted for the record as evidence cannot be documentation that was not previously submitted to CMS by the applicable deadline and in the requested format.
(3) All evidence submitted by the ACO and CMS, in preparation for the reconsideration review will be shared with the other party to the hearing.
(e) The reconsideration official will notify CMS and the ACO of his or her recommendation. [76 FR 67973, Nov. 2, 2011, as amended at 80 FR 32845, June 9, 2015]