(a) Format. A State plan for Medicaid consists of preprinted material that covers the basic requirements, and individualized content that reflects the characteristics of the particular State's program.
(b) Governor's review--(1) Basic rules. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section--
(1) Basic rules. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section--
(i) The Medicaid agency must submit the State plan and State plan amendments to the State Governor or his designee for review and comment before submitting them to the CMS regional office.
(ii) The plan must provide that the Governor will be given a specific period of time to review State plan amendments, long-range program planning projections, and other periodic reports on the Medicaid program, excluding periodic statistical, budget and fiscal reports.
(iii) Any comments from the Governor must be submitted to CMS with the plan or plan amendment.
(2) Exceptions. (i) Submission is not required if the Governor's designee is the head of the Medicaid agency.
(i) Submission is not required if the Governor's designee is the head of the Medicaid agency.
(ii) Governor's review is not required for preprinted plan amendments that are developed by CMS if they provide absolutely no options for the State.
(c) Plan amendments. (1) The plan must provide that it will be amended whenever necessary to reflect--
(1) The plan must provide that it will be amended whenever necessary to reflect--
(i) Changes in Federal law, regulations, policy interpretations, or court decisions; or
(ii) Material changes in State law, organization, or policy, or in the State's operation of the Medicaid program. For changes related to advance directive requirements, amendments must be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 60 days from the effective date of the change to State law concerning advance directives.
(2) Prompt submittal of amendments is necessary--
(i) So that CMS can determine whether the plan continues to meet the requirements for approval; and
(ii) To ensure the availability of FFP in accordance with Sec. 430.20. [53 FR 36571, Sept. 21, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 33293, June 27, 1995]