(a) Basis and purpose. This section implements sections 1919(b)(3)(F) and 1919(e)(7) of the Act by specifying the terms of the agreement the State must have with the State mental health and Intellectual Disability authorities concerning the operation of the State's preadmission screening and annual resident review (PASARR) program.
(b) State plan requirement. The State plan must provide that the Medicaid agency has in effect a written agreement with the State mental health and Intellectual Disability authorities that meets the requirements specified in paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Provisions required in an agreement. The agreement must specify the respective responsibilities of the agency and the State mental health and Intellectual Disability authorities, including arrangements for--(1) Joint planning between the parties to the agreement;
(1) Joint planning between the parties to the agreement;
(2) Access by the agency to the State mental health and Intellectual Disability authorities' records when necessary to carry out the agency's responsibilities;
(3) Recording, reporting, and exchanging medical and social information about individuals subject to PASARR;
(4) Ensuring that preadmission screenings and annual resident reviews are performed timely in accordance with Sec. Sec. 483.112(c) and 483.114(c) of this part;
(5) Ensuring that, if the State mental health and Intellectual Disability authorities delegate their respective responsibilities, these delegations comply with Sec. 483.106(e) of this part;
(6) Ensuring that PASARR determinations made by the State mental health and Intellectual Disability authorities are not countermanded by the State Medicaid agency, except through the appeals process, but that the State mental health and Intellectual Disability authorities do not use criteria which are inconsistent with those adopted by the State Medicaid agency under its approved State plan;
(7) Designating the independent person or entity who performs the PASARR evaluations for individuals with MI; and
(8) Ensuring that all requirements of Sec. Sec. 483.100 through 483.136 are met. [57 FR 56506, Nov. 30, 1992; 58 FR 25784, Apr. 28, 1993]