At a minimum, State strategies must include the following:
(a) The MCO and PIHP contract provisions that incorporate the standards specified in this subpart.
(b) Procedures that--
(1) Assess the quality and appropriateness of care and services furnished to all Medicaid enrollees under the MCO and PIHP contracts, and to individuals with special health care needs.
(2) Identify the race, ethnicity, and primary language spoken of each Medicaid enrollee. States must provide this information to the MCO and PIHP for each Medicaid enrollee at the time of enrollment.
(3) Regularly monitor and evaluate the MCO and PIHP compliance with the standards.
(c) For MCOs and PIHPs, any national performance measures and levels that may be identified and developed by CMS in consultation with States and other relevant stakeholders.
(d) Arrangements for annual, external independent reviews of the quality outcomes and timeliness of, and access to, the services covered under each MCO and PIHP contract.
(e) For MCOs, appropriate use of intermediate sanctions that, at a minimum, meet the requirements of subpart I of this part.
(f) An information system that supports initial and ongoing operation and review of the State's quality strategy.
(g) Standards, at least as stringent as those in the following sections of this subpart, for access to care, structure and operations, and quality measurement and improvement.
Access Standards