(a) Basis for exemption. The State may exempt an MCO or PIHP from EQR if the following conditions are met:
(1) The MCO or PIHP has a current Medicare contract under part C of title XVIII or under section 1876 of the Act, and a current Medicaid contract under section 1903(m) of the Act.
(2) The two contracts cover all or part of the same geographic area within the State.
(3) The Medicaid contract has been in effect for at least 2 consecutive years before the effective date of the exemption and during those 2 years the MCO or PIHP has been subject to EQR under this part, and found to be performing acceptably with respect to the quality, timeliness, and access to health care services it provides to Medicaid beneficiaries.
(b) Information on exempted MCOs or PIHPs. When the State exercises this option, the State must obtain either of the following:
(1) Information on Medicare review findings. Each year, the State must obtain from each MCO or PIHP that it exempts from EQR the most recent Medicare review findings reported on the MCO or PIHP including--
(i) All data, correspondence, information, and findings pertaining to the MCO's or PIHP's compliance with Medicare standards for access, quality assessment and performance improvement, health services, or delegation of these activities;
(ii) All measures of the MCO's or PIHP's performance; and
(iii) The findings and results of all performance improvement projects pertaining to Medicare enrollees.
(2) Medicare information from a private, national accrediting organization that CMS approves and recognizes for Medicare + Choice deeming. (i) If an exempted MCO or PIHP has been reviewed by a private accrediting organization, the State must require the MCO or PIHP to provide the State with a copy of all findings pertaining to its most recent accreditation review if that review has been used for either of the following purposes:
(i) If an exempted MCO or PIHP has been reviewed by a private accrediting organization, the State must require the MCO or PIHP to provide the State with a copy of all findings pertaining to its most recent accreditation review if that review has been used for either of the following purposes:
(A) To fulfill certain requirements for Medicare external review under subpart D of part 422 of this chapter.
(B) To deem compliance with Medicare requirements, as provided in Sec. 422.156 of this chapter.
(ii) These findings must include, but need not be limited to, accreditation review results of evaluation of compliance with individual accreditation standards, noted deficiencies, corrective action plans, and summaries of unmet accreditation requirements.