To receive Community First Choice services and supports under this section, an individual must meet the following requirements:
(a) Be eligible for medical assistance under the State plan;
(b) As determined annually--
(1) Be in an eligibility group under the State plan that includes nursing facility services; or
(2) If in an eligibility group under the State plan that does not include such nursing facility services, have an income that is at or below 150 percent of the Federal poverty level (FPL). In determining whether the 150 percent of the FPL requirement is met, States must apply the same methodologies as would apply under their Medicaid State plan, including the same income disregards in accordance with section 1902(r)(2) of the Act; and,
(c) Receive a determination, at least annually, that in the absence of the home and community-based attendant services and supports provided under this subpart, the individual would otherwise require the level of care furnished in a hospital, a nursing facility, an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities, an institution providing psychiatric services for individuals under age 21, or an institution for mental diseases for individuals age 65 or over, if the cost could be reimbursed under the State plan. The State administering agency may permanently waive the annual recertification requirement for an individual if:
(1) It is determined that there is no reasonable expectation of improvement or significant change in the individual's condition because of the severity of a chronic condition or the degree of impairment of functional capacity; and
(2) The State administering agency, or designee, retains documentation of the reason for waiving the annual recertification requirement.
(d) For purposes of meeting the criterion under paragraph (b) of this section, individuals who qualify for medical assistance under the special home and community-based waiver eligibility group defined at section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(VI) of the Act must meet all section 1915(c) requirements and receive at least one home and community-based waiver service per month.
(e) Individuals receiving services through Community First Choice will not be precluded from receiving other home and community-based long-term care services and supports through other Medicaid State plan, waiver, grant or demonstration authorities.