(a) An agency's showing for a quarter must--
(1) Include a certification by the agency that the requirements of Sec. 456.652(a) (1) through (4) were met during the quarter for each level of care or, if applicable, a certification of the reasons the annual on-site review requirements of Sec. 456.652(a)(4) were not met in any facilities;
(2) For all mental hospitals, intermediate care facilities, and facilities providing inpatient psychiatric services for individuals under 21, participating in Medicaid any time during the 12-month period ending on the last day of the quarter, list each facility by level of care, name, address and provider number;
(3) For each facility entering or leaving the program during the 12-month period ending on the last day of the quarter, list the beginning or ending dates of the provider agreement and supply a copy of the provider agreement;
(4) If review has been contracted to a QIO under Sec. 431.630 of this chapter, list the date the QIO contracted for review.
(5) List all dates of on-site reviews completed by review teams anytime during the 12-month period ending on the last day of the quarter;
(6) For all facilities in which an on-site review was required but not conducted, list the facility by name, address and provider number;
(7) For each on-site review in a mental hospital, intermediate care facility that primarily cares for mental patients, or inpatient psychiatric facility, list the name and qualifications of one team member who is a physician; and
(8) For each on-site review in an intermediate care facility that does not primarily care for mental patients, list the name and qualifications of one team member who is either a physician or registered nurse.
(b) The quarterly showing must be in the form prescribed by the Administrator.
(c) The quarterly showing must be postmarked or received within 30 days after the close of the quarter for which it is made, unless the agency demonstrates good cause for later submittal and the showing is postmarked or received within 45 days after the close of the quarter. Good cause means unanticipated circumstances beyond the agency's control. [44 FR 56338, Oct. 1, 1979, as amended at 50 FR 15327, Apr. 17, 1985; 51 FR 43198, Dec. 1, 1986; 61 FR 38399, July 24, 1996]