(a) Basis for action. CMS reviews each State plan and plan amendment to determine whether it meets or continues to meet the requirements for approval under relevant Federal statutes, regulations, and guidelines furnished by CMS to assist in the interpretation of these regulations.
(b) Action on complete plan. CMS approves or disapproves the State plan or plan amendment only in its entirety.
(c) Authority. The CMS Administrator exercises delegated authority to review and then to approve or disapprove the State plan or plan amendment, or to determine that previously approved material no longer meets the requirements for approval. The Administrator does not make a final determination of disapproval without first consulting the Secretary.
(d) Initial submission. The Administrator designates an official to receive the initial submission of State plans.
(e) Review process. (1) The Administrator designates an individual to coordinate CMS's review for each State that submits a State plan.
(1) The Administrator designates an individual to coordinate CMS's review for each State that submits a State plan.
(2) CMS notifies the State of the identity of the designated individual in the first correspondence relating to that plan, and at any time there is a change in the designated individual.
(3) In the temporary absence of the designated individual during regular business hours, an alternate individual will act in place of the designated individual.