(a) The State must assure that any entity seeking to contract as an MCE under a separate child health program has administrative and management arrangements or procedures designed to safeguard against fraud and abuse.
(b) The State must ensure that the arrangements or procedures required in paragraph (a) of this section--
(1) Enforce MCE compliance with all applicable Federal and State standards;
(2) Prohibit MCEs from conducting any unsolicited personal contact with a potential enrollee by an employee or agent of a managed care entity for the purpose of influencing the individual to enroll with the entity; and
(3) Include a mechanism for the MCE to report to the State, to CMS, or to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) as appropriate, information on violations of law by subcontractors or enrollees of an MCE and other individuals.
(c) With respect to enrollees, the reporting requirement in paragraph (b)(3) of this section applies only to information on violations of law that pertain to enrollment in the plan, or the provision of, or payment for, health services.
(d) The State may inspect, evaluate, and audit MCEs at any time, as necessary, in instances where the State determines that there is a reasonable possibility of fraudulent and abusive activity.