(a) Space and equipment--(1) Safe design. A PACE center must meet the following requirements:
(1) Safe design. A PACE center must meet the following requirements:
(i) Be designed, constructed, equipped, and maintained to provide for the physical safety of participants, personnel, and visitors.
(ii) Ensure a safe, sanitary, functional, accessible, and comfortable environment for the delivery of services that protects the dignity and privacy of the participant.
(2) Primary care clinic. The PACE center must include sufficient suitable space and equipment to provide primary medical care and suitable space for team meetings, treatment, therapeutic recreation, restorative therapies, socialization, personal care, and dining.
(3) Equipment maintenance. (i) A PACE organization must establish, implement, and maintain a written plan to ensure that all equipment is maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
(i) A PACE organization must establish, implement, and maintain a written plan to ensure that all equipment is maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.
(ii) A PACE organization must perform the manufacturer's recommended maintenance on all equipment as indicated in the organization's written plan.
(b) Fire safety--(1) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in this section--
(1) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in this section--
(i) A PACE center must meet the applicable provisions of the 2000 edition of the Life Safety Code (LSC) of the National Fire Protection Association that apply to the type of setting in which the center is located. The Director of the Office of the Federal Register has approved the NFPA 101 [supreg] 2000 edition of the Life Safety Code, issued January 14, 2000, for incorporation by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. A copy of the Code is available for inspection at the CMS Information Resource Center, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal--register/code--of--federal--regulations/ibr--locations.html. Copies may be obtained from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. If any changes in this edition of the Code are incorporated by reference, CMS will publish notice in the Federal Register to announce the changes.
(ii) Chapter, exception number 2 of the adopted edition of the LSC does not apply to PACE centers.
(2) Exceptions. (i) The Life Safety Code provisions do not apply in a State in which CMS determines that a fire and safety code imposed by State law adequately protects participants and staff.
(i) The Life Safety Code provisions do not apply in a State in which CMS determines that a fire and safety code imposed by State law adequately protects participants and staff.
(ii) CMS may waive specific provisions of the Life Safety Code that, if rigidly applied, would result in unreasonable hardship on the Pace center, but only if the waiver does not adversely affect the health and safety of the participants and staff.
(3) Beginning March 13, 2006, a PACE center must be in compliance with Chapter 9.2.9, Emergency Lighting.
(4) Beginning March 13, 2006, Chapter, exception number 2 does not apply to PACE centers.
(5) Notwithstanding any provisions of the 2000 edition of the Life Safety Code to the contrary, a PACE center may install alcohol-based hand rub dispensers in its facility if--
(i) Use of alcohol-based hand rub dispensers does not conflict with any State or local codes that prohibit or otherwise restrict the placement of alcohol-based hand rub dispensers in health care facilities;
(ii) The dispensers are installed in a manner that minimizes leaks and spills that could lead to falls;
(iii) The dispensers are installed in a manner that adequately protects against inappropriate access;
(iv) The dispensers are installed in accordance with chapter or chapter of the 2000 edition of the Life Safety Code, as amended by NFPA Temporary Interim Amendment 00-1(101), issued by the Standards Council of the National Fire Protection Association on April 15, 2004. The Director of the Office of the Federal Register has approved NFPA Temporary Interim Amendment 00-1(101) for incorporation by reference in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. A copy of the amendment is available for inspection at the CMS Information Resource Center, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD and at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street NW., Suite 700, Washington, DC. Copies may be obtained from the National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269; and
(v) The dispensers are maintained in accordance with dispenser manufacturer guidelines.
(c) Emergency and disaster preparedness--(1) Procedures. The PACE organization must establish, implement, and maintain documented procedures to manage medical and nonmedical emergencies and disasters that are likely to threaten the health or safety of the participants, staff, or the public.
(1) Procedures. The PACE organization must establish, implement, and maintain documented procedures to manage medical and nonmedical emergencies and disasters that are likely to threaten the health or safety of the participants, staff, or the public.
(2) Emergencies defined. Emergencies include, but are not limited, to the following:
(i) Fire.
(ii) Equipment, water, or power failure.
(iii) Care-related emergencies.
(iv) Natural disasters likely to occur in the organization's geographic area. (An organization is not required to develop emergency plans for natural disasters that typically do not affect its geographic location.)
(3) Emergency training. A PACE organization must provide appropriate training and periodic orientation to all staff (employees and contractors) and participants to ensure that staff demonstrate a knowledge of emergency procedures, including informing participants what to do, where to go, and whom to contact in case of an emergency.
(4) Availability of emergency equipment. Emergency equipment, including easily portable oxygen, airways, suction, and emergency drugs, along with staff who know how to use the equipment, must be on the premises of every center at all times and be immediately available. The organization must have a documented plan to obtain emergency medical assistance from sources outside the center when needed.
(5) Annual test of emergency and disaster plan. At least annually, a PACE organization must actually test, evaluate, and document the effectiveness of its emergency and disaster plans. [64 FR 66279, Nov. 24, 1999, as amended at 68 FR 1386, Jan. 10, 2003; 69 FR 49266, Aug. 11, 2004; 70 FR 15238, Mar. 25, 2005; 71 FR 55340, Sept. 22, 2006; 71 FR 71335, Dec. 8, 2006]