(a) Except for Medicare requirements that are waived for the PACE program, as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, the PACE benefit package for Medicare participants must include the following services:
(1) The scope of hospital insurance benefits described in part 409 of this chapter.
(2) The scope of supplemental medical insurance benefits described in part 410 of this chapter.
(b) Waivers of Medicare coverage requirements. The following Medicare requirements are waived for purposes of the PACE program and do not apply:
(1) The provisions of subpart F of part 409 of this chapter that limit coverage of institutional services.
(2) The provisions of subparts G and H of part 409 of this chapter, and parts 412 through 414 of this chapter that relate to payment for benefits.
(3) The provisions of subparts D and E of part 409 of this chapter that limit coverage of extended care services or home health services.
(4) The provisions of subpart D of part 409 of this chapter that impose a 3-day prior hospitalization requirement for coverage of extended care services.
(5) Section 411.15(g) and Sec. 411.15(k) of this chapter that may prevent payment for PACE program services that are provided to PACE participants. [64 FR 66279, Nov. 24, 1999, as amended at 71 FR 71335, Dec. 8, 2006]