The following services are excluded from coverage under PACE:
(a) Any service that is not authorized by the interdisciplinary team, even if it is a required service, unless it is an emergency service.
(b) In an inpatient facility, private room and private duty nursing services (unless medically necessary), and nonmedical items for personal convenience such as telephone charges and radio or television rental (unless specifically authorized by the interdisciplinary team as part of the participant's plan of care).
(c) Cosmetic surgery, which does not include surgery that is required for improved functioning of a malformed part of the body resulting from an accidental injury or for reconstruction following mastectomy.
(d) Experimental medical, surgical, or other health procedures.
(e) Services furnished outside of the United States, except as follows:
(1) In accordance with Sec. 424.122 and Sec. 424.124 of this chapter.
(2) As permitted under the State's approved Medicaid plan. [64 FR 66279, Nov. 24, 1999, as amended at 71 FR 71335, Dec. 8, 2006]