A rural health network is an organization that meets the following specifications:
(a) It includes--
(1) At least one hospital that the State has designated or plans to designate as a CAH; and
(2) At least one hospital that furnishes acute care services.
(b) The members of the organization have entered into agreements regarding--
(1) Patient referral and transfer;
(2) The development and use of communications systems, including, where feasible, telemetry systems and systems for electronic sharing of patient data; and
(3) The provision of emergency and nonemergency transportation among members.
(c) Each CAH has an agreement with respect to credentialing and quality assurance with at least--
(1) One hospital that is a member of the network when applicable;
(2) One QIO or equivalent entity; or
(3) One other appropriate and qualified entity identified in the State rural health care plan. [58 FR 30671, May 26, 1993, as amended at 62 FR 46035, Aug. 29, 1997; 63 FR 26359, May 12, 1998]