The facility must have written policies and procedures that specifically define the handling of patients, personnel, records, and the public during disasters. All personnel associated with the facility must be knowledgeable with respect to these procedures, be trained in their application, and be assigned specific responsibilities.
(a) Standard: Disaster plan. The facility's written disaster plan must be developed and maintained with assistance of qualified fire, safety, and other appropriate experts. The plan must include--
(1) Procedures for prompt transfer of casualties and records;
(2) Procedures for notifying community emergency personnel (for example, fire department, ambulance, etc.);
(3) Instructions regarding the location and use of alarm systems and signals and fire fighting equipment; and
(4) Specification of evacuation routes and procedures for leaving the facility.
(b) Standard: Drills and staff training. (1) The facility must provide ongoing training and drills for all personnel associated with the facility in all aspects of disaster preparedness.
(1) The facility must provide ongoing training and drills for all personnel associated with the facility in all aspects of disaster preparedness.
(2) All new personnel must be oriented and assigned specific responsibilities regarding the facility's disaster plan within two weeks of their first workday.