Inspections of all X-ray equipment and shielding are made by qualified individuals at intervals not greater than every 24 months.
(a) Standard--qualified inspectors. Inspections are made at least every 24 months by a radiation health specialist who is on the staff of or approved by an appropriate State or local government agency.
(b) Standard--records of inspection and scope of inspection. The supplier maintains records of current inspections which include the extent to which equipment and shielding are in compliance with the safety standards outlined in Sec. 486.108. [34 FR 388, Jan. 10, 1969. Redesignated at 42 FR 52826, Sept. 30, 1977. Further redesignated and amended at 60 FR 2326, Jan. 9, 1995; 60 FR 45086, Aug. 30, 1995; 60 FR 50447, Sept. 29, 1995] Subparts D-F [Reserved] Subpart G_Requirements for Certification and Designation and Conditions
for Coverage: Organ Procurement Organizations
Source: 71 FR 31046, May 31, 2006, unless otherwise noted.