The OPO must develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive, data-driven QAPI program designed to monitor and evaluate performance of all donation services, including services provided under contract or arrangement.
(a) Standard: Components of a QAPI program. The OPO's QAPI program must include objective measures to evaluate and demonstrate improved performance with regard to OPO activities, such as hospital development, designated requestor training, donor management, timeliness of on-site response to hospital referrals, consent practices, organ recovery and placement, and organ packaging and transport. The OPO must take actions that result in performance improvements and track performance to ensure that improvements are sustained.
(b) Standard: Death record reviews. As part of its ongoing QAPI efforts, an OPO must conduct at least monthly death record reviews in every Medicare and Medicaid participating hospital in its service area that has a Level I or Level II trauma center or 150 or more beds, a ventilator, and an intensive care unit (unless the hospital has a waiver to work with another OPO), with the exception of psychiatric and rehabilitation hospitals. When missed opportunities for donation are identified, the OPO must implement actions to improve performance.
(c) Standard: Adverse events. (1) An OPO must establish written policies to address, at a minimum, the process for identification, reporting, analysis, and prevention of adverse events that occur during the organ donation process.
(1) An OPO must establish written policies to address, at a minimum, the process for identification, reporting, analysis, and prevention of adverse events that occur during the organ donation process.
(2) The OPO must conduct a thorough analysis of any adverse event and must use the analysis to affect changes in the OPO's policies and practices to prevent repeat incidents.