This part is based on the indicated provisions of the following sections of the Act: 1128--Exclusion of entities from participation in Medicare.1128A--Civil money penalties.1138(b)--Requirements for organ procurement organizations and organ procurement agencies.1814--Conditions for, and limitations on, payment for Part A services.1819--Requirements for SNFs.1820--Requirements for CAHs.1832(a)(2)(C)--Requirements for Organizations that provide outpatient physical therapy and speech language pathology services.1832(a)(2)(F)--Requirements for ASCs.1832(a)(2)(J)--Requirements for partial hospitalization services provided by CMHCs.1861(e)--Requirements for hospitals.1861(f)--Requirements for psychiatric hospitals.1861(m)--Requirements for Home Health Services1861(o)--Requirements for Home Health Agencies1861(p)(4)--Requirements for rehabilitation agencies.1861(z)--Institutional planning standards that hospitals and SNFs must meet.1861(aa)--Requirements for RHCs and FQHCs.1861(cc)(2)--Requirements for CORFs.1861(dd)--Requirements for hospices.1861(ee)--Discharge planning guidelines for hospitals.1861(ff)(3)(A)--Requirements for CMHCs.1861(ss)(2)--Accreditation of religious nonmedical health care institutions.1863--Consultation with state agencies, accrediting bodies, and other organizations to develop conditions of participation, conditions for coverage, conditions for certification, and requirements for providers or suppliers.1864--Use of State survey agencies.1865--Effect of accreditation.1875(b)--Requirements for performance review of CMS-approved accreditation programs.1880--Requirements for hospitals and SNFs of the Indian Health Service.1881--Requirements for ESRD facilities.1883--Requirements for hospitals that furnish extended care services.1891--Conditions of participation for home health agencies; home health quality.1902--Requirements for participation in the Medicaid program.1913--Medicaid requirements for hospitals that provide NF care.1919--Medicaid requirements for NFs. [60 FR 50443, Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 64 FR 67052, Nov. 30, 1999; 77 FR 67164, Nov. 8, 2012; 80 FR 29834, May 22, 2015]