(a) Manner and timing of request. (1) An affected party entitled to a hearing under Sec. 498.5 may file a request for a hearing with the ALJ office identified in the determination letter.
(1) An affected party entitled to a hearing under Sec. 498.5 may file a request for a hearing with the ALJ office identified in the determination letter.
(2) The affected party or its legal representative or other authorized official must file the request in writing within 60 days from receipt of the notice of initial, reconsidered, or revised determination unless that period is extended in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section. (Presumed date of receipt is determined in accordance with Sec. 498.22(b)(3)).
(b) Content of request for hearing. The request for hearing must--
(1) Identify the specific issues, and the findings of fact and conclusions of law with which the affected party disagrees; and
(2) Specify the basis for contending that the findings and conclusions are incorrect.
(c) Extension of time for filing a request for hearing. If the request was not filed within 60 days--
(1) The affected party or its legal representative or other authorized official may file with the ALJ a written request for extension of time stating the reasons why the request was not filed timely.
(2) For good cause shown, the ALJ may extend the time for filing the request for hearing. [52 FR 22446, June 12, 1987, as amended at 73 FR 36462, June 27, 2008]