(a) An application for a grant under this subpart shall be submitted to the Secretary at such time and in such form and manner as the Secretary requires.
(b) The application shall contain a budget and narrative statement describing the manner in which the applicant intends to conduct the project and carry out the requirements of this subpart. In addition, applications must include:
(1) A description of the State's standards for the designation of medically underserved areas, except that no description of designation standards will be required if the State elects to use health manpower shortage areas designated by the Secretary;
(2) An assessment of the need and demand in medically underserved areas within the State for health professions manpower with special emphasis on individuals whose training is in a health profession or specialty identified by the Secretary pursuant to Sec. 62.23(b) of this part. This assessment should include such demographic indicators of the need as the economic accessibility of health care services in the State as measured by poverty levels, the percentage of the service area population without health insurance, and the health status of the population as measured by the rates of infant mortality, low birth weight, geographic barriers and other indicators;
(3) A proposal for the placement of the health profession providers in medically underserved areas with the greatest need and demand in accordance with the need/demand assessment completed in compliance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section;
(4) Adequate assurances that sufficient current year State funds are available to cover the non-Federal share of State Loan Repayment Program costs;
(5) A description of how the program would meet the requirements of Sec. 62.55 to demonstrate its similarity to the NHSC Loan Repayment program;
(6) A description of the source of, and plans for the use of, State matching funds;
(7) A description of how the program would be coordinated with Federal, State and other organized activities within the State which relate to health manpower services and resources;
(8) Identification of the State entity and key personnel who would administer the grant and a description of the qualifications and experience of that entity and its personnel concerning the State's health service delivery system and health manpower needs;
(9) A description of the State's plans for administration of the State's Loan Repayment Program which may include such provisions as annual levels of loan repayment to be made under the program, the number of health professionals to be funded, the frequency and timing of the loan repayments, program incentives for longer periods of service, procedures for monitoring the service of program participants and placing professionals in default for failure to complete their service obligation, penalties for default, provisions for waivers and suspensions, and a description of the contract/obligation process to be used by the State to obligate individuals receiving State loan repayments;
(10) A description of the State's need for Federal assistance in obtaining health professions resources and demonstrated inability to obtain such resources without Federal assistance;
(11) A description of how the State will accord special consideration to medically underserved areas with large minority populations; and
(12) The signature of an individual authorized to act for the State and to assume on behalf of the State the obligations imposed by the statute, the applicable regulations of this subpart and any additional conditions of the grant. (Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0131)