(a) For claims involving leukemia, DOL will calculate one or more probability of causation estimates from up to three of the four alternate leukemia risk models included in NIOSH-IREP, as specified in the NIOSH-IREP Operating Guide. These include: ``Leukemia, all types except CLL'' (IDC-9 codes: 204-208, except 204.1), ``acute lymphocytic leukemia'' (ICD-9 code: 204.0), and ``acute myelogenous leukemia'' (ICD-9 code: 205.0).
(b) For leukemia claims in which DOL calculates multiple probability of causation estimates, as specified in the NIOSH-IREP Operating Guide, the probability of causation estimate DOL assigns to the claim will be based on the leukemia risk model producing the highest estimate for probability of causation.