(a) This subpart provides a respondent an opportunity to contest ORI findings of research misconduct and HHS administrative actions, including debarment or suspension, arising under 42 U.S.C. 289b in connection with PHS supported biomedical and behavioral research, research training, or activities related to that research or research training.
(b) A respondent has an opportunity to contest ORI research misconduct findings and HHS administrative actions under this part, including debarment or suspension, by requesting an administrative hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) affiliated with the HHS DAB, when--
(1) ORI has made a finding of research misconduct against a respondent; and
(2) The respondent has been notified of those findings and any proposed HHS administrative actions, including debarment or suspension, in accordance with this part.
(c) The ALJ's ruling on the merits of the ORI research misconduct findings and the HHS administrative actions is subject to review by the Assistant Secretary for Health in accordance with Sec. 93.523. The decision made under that section is the final HHS action, unless that decision results in a recommendation for debarment or suspension. In that case, the decision under Sec. 93.523 shall constitute findings of fact to the debarring official in accordance with 45 CFR 76.845(c).
(d) Where a proposed debarment or suspension action is based upon an ORI finding of research misconduct, the procedures in this part provide the notification, opportunity to contest, and fact-finding required under the HHS debarment and suspension regulations at 45 CFR part 76, subparts H and G, respectively, and 48 CFR Subparts 9.4 and 309.4.