The authorized official may use a type A procedure only if:
(a) The released substance entered an area covered by the NRDAM/CME or NRDAM/GLE. Section 3.4, Volume III of the NRDAM/CME technical document (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 11.18) identifies the areas that the NRDAM/CME covers. Section 6.2, Volume III of the NRDAM/GLE technical document (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 11.18) describes the areas that the NRDAM/GLE covers;
(b) The NRDAM/CME or NRDAM/GLE cover the released substance. Table 7.1, Volume I of the NRDAM/CME technical document lists the substances that the NRDAM/CME covers. Table 7.1, Volume I of the NRDAM/GLE technical document lists the substances that the NRDAM/GLE covers;
(c) The released substance entered water at or near the surface;
(d) At the time of the release, winds did not vary spatially over the area affected by the release in a way that would significantly affect the level or extent of injuries;
(e) The authorized official is not aware of any reliable evidence that, for species that are likely to represent a significant portion of the claim, the species biomass is significantly lower than the species biomass assigned by the NRDAM/CME or the NRDAM/GLE Tables IV.2.1 through IV.2.115 and IV.5.1 through IV.5.77, Volume III of the NRDAM/CME technical document list the species biomasses in the NRDAM/CME. Tables III.3.17 through III.3.27 and III.3.40 through III.3.50, Volume III of the NRDAM/GLE technical document list the species biomasses in the NRDAM/GLE ; and
(f) Subsurface currents either: are not expected to significantly affect the level or extent of injuries; or are reasonably uniform with depth over the water column in the area affected by the release. [61 FR 20610, May 7, 1996]