(a) The bureau will provide expedited processing upon request if you demonstrate to the satisfaction of the bureau that there is a compelling need for the records. The following circumstances demonstrate a compelling need:
(1) Where failure to expedite the request could reasonably be expected to pose an imminent threat to the life or physical safety of an individual; or
(2) Where there is an urgency to inform the public about an actual or alleged Federal Government activity and the request is made by a person primarily engaged in disseminating information.
(i) In most situations, a person primarily engaged in disseminating information will be a representative of the news media.
(ii) If you are not a full time member of the news media, to qualify for expedited processing here, you must establish that your main professional activity or occupation is information dissemination, although it need not be your sole occupation.
(iii) The requested information must be the type of information which has particular value that will be lost if not disseminated quickly; this ordinarily refers to a breaking news story of general public interest.
(iv) Information of historical interest only or information sought for litigation or commercial activities would not qualify, nor would a news media deadline unrelated to breaking news.
(b) If you seek expedited processing, you must submit a statement that:
(1) Explains in detail how your request meets one or both of the criteria in paragraph (a) of this section; and
(2) Certifies that your explanation is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief.
(c) You may ask for expedited processing at any time by writing to the appropriate FOIA contact in the bureau that maintains the records requested. When making a request for expedited processing of an administrative appeal, submit the request to the FOIA Appeals Officer.
(d) The bureau must notify you of its decision to grant or deny expedited processing within 10 calendar days of receiving an expedited processing request.
(e) If expedited processing is granted, the request will be given priority, placed in the processing track for expedited requests, and be processed as soon as practicable.
(f) If expedited processing is denied, the bureau will notify you of the right to appeal the decision on expedited processing in accordance with the procedures in subpart H of this part.
(g) If you appeal the decision on expedited processing, your appeal (if it is properly formatted under Sec. 2.59 of this part) will be processed ahead of other appeals.
(h) If the bureau has not responded to the request for expedited processing within 10 calendar days, you may file an appeal (for nonresponse in accordance with Sec. 2.57(a)(8) of this part).