(a) The following table is a guide to the relevant contents of this part by subject matter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(1) All proceedings in part 30............ Sec. Sec. 30.100 through
30.102.(2) Claims against probate estate......... Sec. Sec. 30.140 through
30.148.(3) Commencement of probate............... Sec. Sec. 30.110 through
30.115.(4) Consolidation of interests............ Sec. Sec. 30.150 through
30.153.(5) Formal probate proceedings before an Sec. Sec. 30.210 through
administrative law judge or Indian 30.246.
probate judge.(6) Probate of estates of Indians who die All sections except Sec.
possessed of trust or restricted property. Sec. 30.260 through
30.274.(7) Purchases at probate.................. Sec. Sec. 30.160 through
30.175.(8) Renunciation of interests............. Sec. Sec. 30.180 through
30.188.(9) Summary probate proceedings before an Sec. Sec. 30.200 through
attorney decision maker. 30.207.(10) Tribal purchase of certain property Sec. Sec. 30.260 through
interests of decedents under special laws 30.274.
applicable to particular Tribes.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Except as limited by the provisions of this part, the regulations in part 4, subparts A and B of this subtitle apply to these proceedings.
(c) The following provisions do not apply to Alaska property interests:
(1) Sec. 30.151;
(2) Sec. Sec. 30.160 through 30.175;
(3) Sec. 30.182 through 30.185, except for Sec. 30.184(c);
(4) Sec. 30.213; and
(5) Sec. 30.214(f) and (g). [73 FR 67289, Nov. 13, 2008, as amended at 76 FR 7506, Feb. 10, 2011]