(a) No rental or royalty shall be due to the United States prior to the vesting of the oil and gas rights in the United States. However, the future interest lessee shall agree that if he/she is or becomes the holder of any present interest operating rights in the lands:
(1) The future interest lessee transfers all or a part of the lessee's present oil and gas interests, such lessee shall file in the proper BLM office an assignment or transfer, in accordance with subpart 3106 of this title, of the future interest lease of the same type and proportion as the transfer of the present interest, and
(2) The future interest lessee's present lease interests are relinquished, cancelled, terminated, or expired, the future interest lease rights with the United States also shall cease and terminate to the same extent.
(b) Upon vesting of the oil and gas rights in the United States, the future interest lease rental and royalty shall be as for any noncompetitive lease issued under this subpart, as provided in subpart 3103 of this title, and the acreage shall be chargeable in accordance with Sec. 3101.2 of this title.